View Poll Results: use tren 75 or var 10 alone

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  • use tren 75

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  • don't use tren 75

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  • use var 10

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  • don't use var 10

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Thread: Thinking about adding tren 75

  1. #1

    Thinking about adding tren 75

    I'm thinking about adding tren 75 or var 10 to my workouts? Going to use clen and want to add some other
    aid. Have tren 75 not sure if I should use. Var 10 seems perhaps a better choice. What your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    What are youre stats,history on cycling,history on working out there is too much missing info here to begin with.
    I doubt if any of the experienced vets here are going to give any helpful input on this with out any more info.
    Figure out you're cycle and post it and you will get all of the feedback you want.
    I almost forgot, Welcome good to have you on the forum.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    What are youre stats,history on cycling,history on working out there is too much missing info here to begin with.
    I doubt if any of the experienced vets here are going to give any helpful input on this with out any more info.
    Figure out you're cycle and post it and you will get all of the feedback you want.
    I almost forgot, Welcome good to have you on the forum.
    Thanks, great site
    stats: age 54, 5'7" 205lbs/ cycling = never / workout= weights 3 days per wk / two days cardio.
    does this help?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    This should be posted in the steroids questions and answers thread for better results.

    Tren- No way, not for a first cycle and not without some form of test. No way, no how.

    Var-It will shut you down, should not be run alone.

    Also suspect your bf% might be too hight for AAS, the higher your bf% the higher the risk of estrogen related sides when cycling. Hold off on the roids for a while and take the opportunity to research. Check out the over 40 thread in this forum.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Guys did no one notice that he is not asking about using Tren or Var, rather he is asking about Tren75 and Var10. I have to assume both of these are supplements sold under the names Tren and Var to dupe those who fail to read between the lines into thinking they are buying steroids.

    To the OP did you buy both of these online and are they pills in a bottle...perhaps from a link on this site? If so they are "supplements" not anabolic androgenic steroids and you can take them whenever the hell you want to since they carry no risks and very little (if any) benefits.

    PS welcome aboard and don't be too pissed you bought these supps. You are a hell of a lot better off, than you would have been if you had purchased real steroids. You really should spend months reading this board and learning about the use of steroids and the side effects you WILL experience before you consider taking them so that if and when you decide to use them, that you will be making an informed decision.

    Last edited by Far from massive; 01-14-2014 at 06:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Good catch on that ffm I never even noticed that. Show us the way of youre wisdom old wise one

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Welcome to the community!


    Follow my personal story here on this blog: An honest journey
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Guys did no one notice that he is not asking about using Tren or Var, rather he is asking about Tren75 and Var10. I have to assume both of these are supplements sold under the names Tren and Var to dupe those who fail to read between the lines into thinking they are buying steroids.

    To the OP did you buy both of these online and are they pills in a bottle...perhaps from a link on this site? If so they are "supplements" not anabolic androgenic steroids and you can take them whenever the hell you want to since they carry no risks and very little (if any) benefits.

    PS welcome aboard and don't be too pissed you bought these supps. You are a hell of a lot better off, than you would have been if you had purchased real steroids. You really should spend months reading this board and learning about the use of steroids and the side effects you WILL experience before you consider taking them so that if and when you decide to use them, that you will be making an informed decision.

    Thank you for your feed back, yes they are pills from this site. Ordered clen and got tren 75 for free.
    what if ant thoughts on clen? I trying to get rid of a little belly fat that seems to stay.

  10. #10
    Thanks everyone for your reply's you all seem to care and that's is a good thing. So if tren 75 is a supplement then it safe to use alone? or should I forget it? What about Clen as a fat burner?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    If I were you I would just stick with more cardio and a super strict diet,check out the nutrition section and I think you will find you're answers.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    If I were you I would just stick with more cardio and a super strict diet,check out the nutrition section and I think you will find you're answers.
    Thanks diesel, I've already lost 65lbs need to lose 10-20 more I will take your advise.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Quote Originally Posted by dbigsac View Post
    Thanks diesel, I've already lost 65lbs need to lose 10-20 more I will take your advise.
    Awesome job on the weight loss keep up the good work!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Clen really isn't good for people who have more than a few body fat percentages over their goal. It is not a mass weight loss drug. But good luck!

  15. #15
    Just an update: I watched all of Milos Saroevs Video on diet of the pro's and found it so informative I almost cried, I was one of the one's who cut back my cal. intake to lose weight and almost stop protein intake what now seems to be a mistake. I'm going to start the kind of plan he is promoting. Thanks for the great tips from ALL. Always open and hoping for your help please keep thoughts coming.
    P.S. hello to all.

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