hello all! not sure why i cant post on other place except here.
but i wanna ask about Clenbuterol.
i have search and read FAQs about clen in this forum...
im gonna make this quick,im endo,cut has been very hard for me,only losing 1lbs per week,its the best i can do
anyway,20 this year,70kg,about 20% of BF,5'5,macros are fine,the calorie intake is the problem for me tho,muscles gain is not bad to me atleast.
anyway you can check out my progress here if you like to,forum.bodybuilding[dot]com/showthread.php?t=159324121&p=1187618021#post118761 8021
how much will it boost from my 1lbs a week to?
is RISK vs REWARD ratio worth what i do now?