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Thread: Hello All!!!! Prescott Valley,AZ

  1. #1

    Hello All!!!! Prescott Valley,AZ

    It has been 2 1/2 years now of 3 day splits, bruises, pain, sweat, tear, joy, compliments, gym expert remarks!, doubters, dummies, Hotter GIRLS, (a Girls saying daym when I take my shirt off not saying daym put it back on lol), and more food and protein then I EVER thought I could consume.

    training 2 years 6 months 3 weeks or 131 weeks lol
    regiment: it gets different exercises every 6 weeks to not get comfortable.
    All training days have 15-20 minutes of cardio and 10 minutes of core 20-legups 20 flat crunches and 2 minutes planks for 3-6 rounds day 1 legs and shoulders. day 2 back and biceps. day 3 chest and triceps. day 4 OFF and repeat.
    My daily caloric intake is between 2400-2600 lots of eggs, chicken, fish, potatoes, pb sandwiches, yogurt, brocly, carrots, steak, etc... everything I should eat not including protein shake cals. because it is isolate protein.

    I am 6''0" started at 127 lbs and 1oz
    6'0" 178lbs bf% 7.7

    I eat 3 solid big meals a day and snacks like apples, bananas, nuts etc threw out the day. I know almost ever 10 lbs it's been oh appetite is changing and can't lose under the 0 mark I hit 150 I won't dip at all. But lately I've been full not wanting to even eat the meals that I am. I hit 181 once with shoes and pants on so it doesn't count. I told myself I would wait til after 25 to get into more serious measures and here I am.

    I'm not the biggest guy in the gym nor am I the strongest. I lift heavy enough to get my 6-8 reps in for tearing the fibers or stretching. Lately I've been seeing more and more diminishing gains.

    Note's I know lifting heavy is good and allot of people criticize for it. Some history. I tore major tendons, ligaments and my quad in football in high school. Yes I still squat 185 to grass though. I also broke my wrist and tore tendons in my right arm doing Lateral raises. So for deadlifts above 250 i use straps to prevent further injures, pull ups are bearable but sometimes I have to use straps, any stress focused on the wrist I take extreme precaution to insure it doesn't happen again. I've been doing allot of strength camp exercises like farmer carries to increase wrist strength and it's been helping.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by bobbymikeh69; 02-11-2014 at 08:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Welcome aboard

  3. #3
    Haha thanks knew it would only be a matter of time. forgot to add goals.

    195-200 while maintaining 7-8% Bodyfat I love my six pack and I would like to keep in my size 34 range for waist setting at 33 1/4
    mostly want weight in my legs back. want thicker shoulders. arms meh don't really matter but as long as they are portioned.
    Plan on hitting 185 before June by lean bulking. then going to dirty bulk to my goal then just a matter of building and cutting.

    adding a mass shake to the post workout vitamins.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Welcome to the community!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    welcome bobby have a read in the nutrition section


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Coast beach town
    Welcome to the community.

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