I've been trying to educate myself as much as possible on what will be the most beneficial in my situation, but instead of scrolling through a bunch of other people's threads and reading synopsis on what companies trying to sell them are saying, and what the government funded anti-steroid sites say about them, I thought I might try putting in my own thread.
I'm 23 years old, I weigh 165 pounds, 5'10. I play rugby and I'm looking to increase in mass to around 180. I've been working out 4-5 times a week for about 3 years I change it up in the gym and consume a large amount of calories but I have seemed to have hit the plateau of my mass gaining capabilities. I have a fast metabolism that the last time I got checked put my body fat at somewhere around 6%. I'm looking for a program/cycle that will help me cardiovascularly such as something that will boost my EPO to high levels, and allow me to put on mass at a moderate-fast rate, but because I work out with teammates I'd prefer a certain amount of deniability so if i can take the majority orally that would be preferred (I am aware of liver issues with this). If anyone knows what a good beginner cycle for someone in my situation might be, I would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the help