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Thread: Newbie looking for a little help for my first cycle

  1. #1

    Newbie looking for a little help for my first cycle

    Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and wanted to introduce myself and get some help regarding my first cycle.
    I'm 21 years old, 5ft 6 inches, 170 pounds, and about 12% BF and have been seriously training for about 3 years.
    I'm looking to do a 6-8 week cycle of Anavar plus Test e as my first cycle just to see how my body reacts and and keep things pretty mild.

    My thoughts on this cycle are to go 80mg of Anavar a day as well as 250mg of Test e a week (Sunday/Thursday)

    Then for my PCT I plan on starting 1 week after my last dose. I plan on using Nolvadex + Clomid for PCT (obviously) for Nolva and Clomid, I was thinking Day 1( 1 week after my last injection); Clomid 200mg + Nolva 40 mg, then Clomid 50mg + Nolva 20mg for the next 20 days. But is that overkill for a PCT since Anavar is so mild?

    Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated, feel free to correct anything that isn't accurate or that doesn't make sense, Just wana run the most effective cycle I can.

    Also I have one final question, since I'm only 21, is anavar gonna pose a significant risk to my endocrine system?

    Thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    West Virginia, USA
    Honestly, you should wait until you're at least 25 years old to start considering your endocrine system may still be developing and also considering your workout experience is only 3 years and you're young. You can still make good natural gains because your natural test is still pretty high.

    IF you must start though, I would only start with one compound. Not two. Starting with only one will allow you too see how that specific compound affects you. If you start with two, you won't know what each one is doing and could have trouble combating side effects and what not. Besides, a basic Test. E or C cycle will yield great gains with little manageable side effects since it'll be your first cycle without the need of extra compounds. Run your Test. E or C for 12 weeks. I highly recommend you run an AI like anastrozole or aromasin to manage your estrogen levels. I don't know much about aromasin dosage but if you use anastrozole, run 0.25mg EOD to see how it affects you. If you start to get itchy/puffy nipples, considerable water rentention, and acne then bump it up to 0.5mg EOD then 0,5mg ED if sides continue to show. Also, run a light HCG dosage throughout your cycle or a high dosage towards the end to help with your PCT recovery. You'll have to look up exact dosages. I just know it's very important to aid in speedy recovery post cycle by keeping the nuts online and preventing testicular atrophy.

    Again, I highly recommend you wait a couple more years for your healths sake. You have many years to come that you can use AAS and could take advantage of these young years to make good natural gains with your high test levels.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Southeast USA
    Welcome aboard. I'm sure you'll get advice to not cycle due to your age. Read: You should re-post your query in the Q&A section.

    That said, as for first cycles, it's the general consensus that the first cycle should be limited to test only. Too many variables when mixing aas's when you have no idea how your own body will react. Also, your proposed cycle is missing hCG and an AI. All aas's, including var are a threat to your endocrine system, particularly at your age.

    Read and educate before making an informed choice. Again, welcome.

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  5. #5
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    Welcome to the community

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  7. #7
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    Welcome to the forum

  8. #8
    Alright man thanks, I really appreciate it! I feel like I'll probably end up holding off on any cycles for awhile just simply because I feel like I don't know nearly enough about all of it yet. Everything you said makes a lot of sense, I may hop on a cycle of Test e just to see how I like it and see if it's something I want to pursue in the future. So IF I run test e, should I run the aromasin with the test or should I be incorporating that in with my PCT?

  9. #9
    I appreciate the help man! Yeah I feel as though I'll hold off on Anavar or anything for awhile, however I may try a cycle of Test e to see how I like it and if it's something I would wana pursue later in life. I was under the belief that hCG was more of an extra when PCTing, would you absolutely recommend I incorporate hCG into my cycle and as far as the AI, Is that during the cycle or for PCT?
    Thanks again man.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    West Virginia, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Tbone618 View Post
    Alright man thanks, I really appreciate it! I feel like I'll probably end up holding off on any cycles for awhile just simply because I feel like I don't know nearly enough about all of it yet. Everything you said makes a lot of sense, I may hop on a cycle of Test e just to see how I like it and see if it's something I want to pursue in the future. So IF I run test e, should I run the aromasin with the test or should I be incorporating that in with my PCT?
    No problem. You should definitely do some thorough research before you begin so you understand everything. Aromasin should be used with the Test E to control estrogen levels and side effects. An AI is usually not used in PCT due to the lack of aromatization happening from low test levels. Aromasin isn't the only AI you can use either. Arimidex (anastrozole) is good too.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    welcome, wait till age 24-26 IMO.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the forum

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    As expressed by others, delay that decision for a few more years. Spend some time on here reading, learning, and interacting with members. Inform yourself about all the risks (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, prostate enlargement, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, and many many more) and how to cycle safely.

    No need to jump into this before you are properly educated. You sound like a sensible young man now, so use the time to learn and engage other members about their experiences (both good AND bad).

  14. #14
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