Hey hows it going. So I'm here to learn a bit, shoot the shit some, and meet some cool people to help me along on my quest to get some legit gear on my own LOL. My back story is Ive don't 3 cycles in my life, IM 31/Military/14 Years/ and sit at around 185 off cycle and have been around 215 during cycles, I cut very hard when coming off thats why i lose so much off cycle, so Im in damn good shape, I look it and feel it. So Lets talk about my first three real quick, I got it all from a legit doctor, a friends family friend wrote scripts for us and we followed everything he had us do and VUWALA ****ing muscles man!!!!! The thing is now I no longer have the connect so I'm having to go SOLO and find this shit online(SUCKSBAD) I do have a solid connect with HGH though but can only get enough for 2 IU's a day for 5 months 5 on 2 off every week, its from someone who has it for there kid and they don't take it all so she gives me the left overs. Ive posted one thing and its to see if I got some legit gear, its EuroChem and I hear a lot off good and bad its freaking hit or miss, go check my post out and let me know whats up!!!