Hey whats up everyone. Just joined the site today, lots of good info here! Im looking forward to getting to know some of you and gain some guidance. I will be making my first gear purchase here soon, I'm looking to start a 10 week cycle first time out. I hope to get some insight into good PCT, and something that helps keep the boys still hang low and full. My plan is to do as follows.
weeks 1-4
D-bol tabs 25-50mg a day (need some suggestion for a first time user)
Testosterone enanthate 250mg per week, injections Monday, and Friday
weeks 6-10
Start AI (need help name brand on suggested amount) Arimidex?
Testosternone enanthate 500mg per week, injections Monday, and Friday
Start HCG on week 8
Vitamin E 1.5 grams daily
PCT weeks 1-3
Start Novaldex 20mg daily
Continue AI
Start subcutaneous injections of HCG 500IU every 4 days
Vitamin E 1.5 grams daily
PCT weeks 3-4
continue novaldex 20mg daily
continue AI
Vitamin E
Let me know what you all think!
Thanks dudes!