Hey i am 343geisa.

A more traditional workout guy, at the age of 36 i found myself in dire straits and decided i wanna reevaluate my habits. For most of my life i was an au natural kinda guy. I used to think the lowliest lows of drug users. Honestly something like the posterboy of PETA or some nug like that. I remember I met this guy at my gym. He looked at me with an reckoning kinda look: "Well, do you?" And i looked at him and tought to myself: "Do i what?"... It wasn't until much later that i realized the meaning of it. It means do you work out the surefire way? Well i can honestly say I did not at the time, but now i do. Or rather, soon to be. Thus i can now say that i am ready for whatever life throws at me. Already i was involved in a rather ugly accident which knocked me off my routine for just shy a year. Looking to get myself on my feet again, I decided to look for help. And thats basically how i landed here. On my part its pretty much a no-brainer by this point. Either i shape up or i stay knocked of my feet. I am looking to learn everything there is about enhancement therapy. Night after sleepless night i shall dwell inside the sorry pits of internets to find my answers. It's coming and i can feel it. A nice body first and foremost, but also all that comes with it. I think this experience can help me grow as an individual as well, tightening my diet, training and discipline. I am all but ready to take this challenge head on. May my fellow users lead the way and hopefully we shall embark on this journey together. I hope you will find that I am for the most a pleasant and giving person. Please do not hesitate to say hello wherever you may see me. Thank you so much for reading