Hey guys.
Been a lifter on and off for thirty years. Started out as a 147 pound skinny guy with a large frame at 5'10". About five years lifting natty got me to about 185. Then on and off for the next decades to about 205.
When I hit my mid fourties I really pushed myself, but the old joints just can't take the stress like they once did. I hit a wall. Good solid 205 but zero progress for years.
I am a fan of the way the old school bodybuilders looked in the 60s and 70s. Rounder, fuller look, but not freakishly huge with those distended gorilla bellies. I liked what Tom Hardy did for his part as Bane. I decided after 30 years natty to try a cycle on the gear.
Well, it went great! I gained 15 solid pounds of muscle over all, dropped my body fat 3% to about 11%. My old jeans fit again. My bench went up 100 pounds and I really bulked out. Only drawback is I need a new wardrobe at a very solid looking 220 pounds, ha!
I have to say it went really well overall with no really bad side effects...a bit of acne on my chest and towards the end of my cycle I noticed my blood pressure went up a bit.
Once I went on PCT blood pressure dropped back down and I feel leaner but still retaining the bulk. I think a solid 30 years of natty helps me retain my gains. Recently added 10 more pounds to most of my core body exercises off cycle, so overall excellent progress.
I would like to thank this site and many of the long term posters for their insights, tips, and information. A real gold mine for the gear novice.
See you all on the boards or the gym.