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Thread: Hcg and dbol?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Hcg and dbol?

    Hey guys im 18 and a junior in hs im running a just dbol cycle about 6 weeks total. Im running dbol 50 from nobel labs and some hcg 1500ui. I take 1-2 pills a day of the dbol and 1 hcg 3 weeks, final day and 2 weeks after. I Just took my week 3 hcg and i feel full after a couple bites of food and ive been pretty pissed lately and im thinking it's the hcg producing these side affects. Any experienced user know of this? Thinking of adding test e or npp to the cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nextarnold
    Hey guys im 18 and a junior in hs im running a just dbol cycle about 6 weeks total. Im running dbol 50 from nobel labs and some hcg 1500ui. I take 1-2 pills a day of the dbol and 1 hcg 3 weeks, final day and 2 weeks after. I Just took my week 3 hcg and i feel full after a couple bites of food and ive been pretty pissed lately and im thinking it's the hcg producing these side affects. Any experienced user know of this? Thinking of adding test e or npp to the cycle.
    no that's notba good cycle. You should stop what your doing. At your age your hormones are at there peak and Dbol is going to suppress your natty test production. Hcg will suppress lh function. Any well planned cycle would have test as a base. Take a look through our sticky's educate yourself. Read the sticky planning and executing my first successful cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    no that's notba good cycle. You should stop what your doing. At your age your hormones are at there peak and Dbol is going to suppress your natty test production. Hcg will suppress lh function. Any well planned cycle would have test as a base. Take a look through our sticky's educate yourself. Read the sticky planning and executing my first successful cycle
    ok i was thinking of stopping anyways because my libido went way down these past couple days. And do you by chance know anything about the hcg stuff?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nextarnold
    ok i was thinking of stopping anyways because my libido went way down these past couple days. And do you by chance know anything about the hcg stuff?
    sure I know plenty. Hcg mimics lh function signaling the testies to fire during the administration of exogenous androgens. Hcg will not replace your functioning endocrine system though and that Dbol is already suppressing your natty testosterone production. You need to focus on your nutrition. At your age you don't need steroids. You need a good nutrition program a good training program and rest

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Thanks man! I really appreciate your input. And a final ? Does the hcg affect appetite or "fullness"?because i could barley eat a PBJ at lunch and ive never really been Full over the past year or so. ~~~~ different topic~~~~i ran a tren cycle last year for 6 weeks and no pct and kept all my gains (170 to 200, and 4 months to do it, and started lifting hard again in November and gained about 10lbs of muscle and lost 15 in fat from football. Do you think i could do a light Test E. (.5cc of test e 250 every other week or every week to keep gains and add a tiny extra umph to my workouts?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    sure I know plenty. Hcg mimics lh function signaling the testies to fire during the administration of exogenous androgens. Hcg will not replace your functioning endocrine system though and that Dbol is already suppressing your natty testosterone production. You need to focus on your nutrition. At your age you don't need steroids. You need a good nutrition program a good training program and rest
    forgot to quote this, by chance could you answer my last question?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nextarnold
    Thanks man! I really appreciate your input. And a final ? Does the hcg affect appetite or "fullness"?because i could barley eat a PBJ at lunch and ive never really been Full over the past year or so. ~~~~ different topic~~~~i ran a tren cycle last year for 6 weeks and no pct and kept all my gains (170 to 200, and 4 months to do it, and started lifting hard again in November and gained about 10lbs of muscle and lost 15 in fat from football. Do you think i could do a light Test E. (.5cc of test e 250 every other week or every week to keep gains and add a tiny extra umph to my workouts?
    hcg could be raising your circulating estrogen causing sides yes. You did a tren only cycle? That's not a good idea either as it will shut you down. No running a light test cycle is pointless cause your body at your age is already probably producing that much testosterone. So you will be settling for less and shutting down your endocrine system for nothing

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nextarnold
    forgot to quote this, by chance could you answer my last question?
    if you are dead set on doing a cycle I suggest you read that sticky. Planning and executing my first cycle. It has all the info you need to plan a successful cycle. Knowledge is power my friend

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Coast beach town
    Since this section is for introductions, this thread should be moved to the aas q&a section.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Welcome... And please do some reading... As your playin Russian roulette w/your Endocrine system(HPTA Teaticular loop)... Running a Tren only, and oral only cycle is not smart... I would hate to see something happen that couldve been prevented from the get go!!! GL OP, & read and educate yourself as much as possible...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum good job you joined.

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