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Thread: Tired of being weak (Steroid Help)

  1. #1

    Tired of being weak (Steroid Help)

    Hey guys, I know you guys are about to tell me how stupid I am but here I go.

    I'm 18 and have been lifting for three years. I started off weighing 145 and weighed in this morning at 200 pounds.

    My BFP is at 15%.

    My Big 3 Lifts (Pathetic I know) :
    Bench: 235
    Squat: 265
    Deadlift: 335

    I dont know what it is, but I hate myself for being weak. It haunts me. It drives me crazy. i have trouble sleeping at night because I can't stop hinking about how my strength is nothing.

    I want to start taking aas. But as much as I hate myself for being weak, I don't know what I'm doing and I need guidance. I don't know what the best thing to run is and how to minimize side effects. Please help me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    First welcome to the forum.

    Second, don't run gear. Your simply to young.

    Three, gaining 55 lbs in 3 years is one hell of a gain in my books!

    Last but not least. Hit up the diet section because that's what's going to get u bigger. Lay out your workouts and maybe we can help u out. Mare u move more weight in now time!

    For being 18 your stats are solid keep up the good work and don't let your head get in the way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum

    Far too young to be cycling

    Some great advice from 73rr, post in the right sections and you will get great help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Welcome man. There's one good thing about your dilemma... Youre going to stay hungry for gains with OR WITHOUT AAS. You very well may not take the advice but the reasons for not taking AAS before, at least, your mid to late 20s are many. At your age you can cause permanent damage to your body and shut down your own production permanently. At 18 you also still have a growth spurt left which happens around 20-21 which can be negatively affected or stopped completely by taking AAS.

    For 18 you're in very good shape all around. You're 200 lbs... I was 130. You're benching 235... I was benching 155 back then. In the next 5-6 years you're likely to see all of your lifts double (or more as I did) as your muscles mature and you continue to fill out. If you just stay engaged naturally you'll be a beast all by yourself. Then, later, if you want to try AAS you'll be doing do from a position where you're much closer to your own natural genetic potential. Just stay motivated, check the diet section and make sure you get enough protein and carbs for the next few years, and watch your bench and squat max go to 400+ with nothing more than your own focus and drive.... The added bonus is you protect your ability to naturally have a healthy sex life and family for much longer.

    Good luck to you. Hope you find and choose the best path.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Keep working on your diet and technique. Your lifts are good. Stay natural for now for sure. You're doing great. Welcome to the forum

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    East Coast beach town

  7. #7
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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  8. #8
    Gg, dude your a beast. At 18 to be your size is impressive. I must ask what are you looking for? Do you ever intend to compete in powerlifting or physique competition. If not, as the posts I've just read above suggest, take it slow. You are to young. Life is a game you can't win, you just play. If you are unhappy now adding chemicals is not going to solve this. You are 18 and probably feel immortal but trust me the decisions you make now are important. You don't want to @#$% up your system or hurt your back or tear something. You will pay for that the rest of your life.. Read your first cycle by austinte, it is packed with great info. Get your diet squared away. You will see the results. I would kill to be 18 again. Anyway best of luck to you and welcome to the forum..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Man you're not weak by any means! Besides, building up your body is not about how much weight you can lift. It's about lifting weight with good form, good exercises, nutrition, rest, motivation, etc,etc......
    You have all the testosterone you need now, naturally!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    There are other ways to build strength besides aas. With aas it will only be temporary, so why not just base your workouts on strength. You would be surprised how quickly you up those lifts.

  11. #11
    Thank you guys for the warm welcome and kind words, it is much appreciated.

    I see what you guys mean by telling me that I am good for my age, but I don't find that to be true. I don't compare myself to those weaker than me, I compare myself to those who are better to make sure I'm never complacent or satisfied. It sucks because I see guys who don't work nearly as hard as I do stronger than me running gear and I know that I could be far beyond their level if I did the same. I usually don't care at all for others opinions, but when it comes to strength, I take it personally.

    Then again, I respect the opinions of other veteran lifters, and am thankful for the advice. My question is there ARE people who have taken gear at my age and they have turned out fine. Is it 100% true that if I take it even for a cycle or two i'm doen for? Isn't it possible for me to run cycles safely?

  12. #12
    To answer your question TMS, I do not plan on competing. I have always been fascinated by strength and fighting. I boxed for a few years and I was sent to a boys boarding school form age 9-13 where I became a man and fought against 50 other guys everyday to survive. Ever since then, I have hated weakness. I would rather die than to be weak or give up on my convictions.

    However, my strenght right now is average at best and this makes me a hypocrite. I preach about strength when I myself do not possess it. This in itself is more than enough of a reason for me to consider taking AAS. If it wrecks my body, so be it. I would rather be strong and die young, then be weak and live long.

  13. #13
    To answer your question TMS, I do not plan on competing. I have always been fascinated by strength and fighting. I boxed for a few years and I was sent to a boys boarding school form age 9-13 where I became a man and fought against 50 other guys everyday to survive. Ever since then, I have hated weakness. I would rather die than to be weak or give up on my convictions.

    However, my strenght right now is average at best and this makes me a hypocrite. I preach about strength when I myself do not possess it. This in itself is more than enough of a reason for me to consider taking AAS. If it wrecks my body, so be it. I would rather be strong and die young, then be weak and live long.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by God&Gainz View Post
    Thank you guys for the warm welcome and kind words, it is much appreciated.

    I see what you guys mean by telling me that I am good for my age, but I don't find that to be true. I don't compare myself to those weaker than me, I compare myself to those who are better to make sure I'm never complacent or satisfied. It sucks because I see guys who don't work nearly as hard as I do stronger than me running gear and I know that I could be far beyond their level if I did the same. I usually don't care at all for others opinions, but when it comes to strength, I take it personally.

    Then again, I respect the opinions of other veteran lifters, and am thankful for the advice. My question is there ARE people who have taken gear at my age and they have turned out fine. Is it 100% true that if I take it even for a cycle or two i'm doen for? Isn't it possible for me to run cycles safely?
    There are alot of things to say here.

    First your chasing a game u can't win because someone is always going to be better.

    Next don't cYale like we all have said already. Not wOrth the risk at your age. There are sooo many guys that are on this forum pinning twice a week for the rest of there life because of gear at a young age.

    Also, plz don't ever think running one cycle or two cycles and done. This IS A life decision. If u did start aas (Witch I'm telling u not to) it's something u do for the rest of your life. 1 or 2 cycles every year to maintain and or gain a little more. Year after year. NOT 1 time and think your keeping your hard earned gains.

    Keep it natty. Hit up the diet section and let us help u get bigger then the other guys u talk about.

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