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Thank you guys for the warm welcome and kind words, it is much appreciated.
I see what you guys mean by telling me that I am good for my age, but I don't find that to be true. I don't compare myself to those weaker than me, I compare myself to those who are better to make sure I'm never complacent or satisfied. It sucks because I see guys who don't work nearly as hard as I do stronger than me running gear and I know that I could be far beyond their level if I did the same. I usually don't care at all for others opinions, but when it comes to strength, I take it personally.
Then again, I respect the opinions of other veteran lifters, and am thankful for the advice. My question is there ARE people who have taken gear at my age and they have turned out fine. Is it 100% true that if I take it even for a cycle or two i'm doen for? Isn't it possible for me to run cycles safely?