Hi everyone,
I just joined this site, although I've been reading the forums for a long time now.
I am 33, 5'7" (or 5'8 on a good day), have a pretty good body from working out hard - usually 5-6 times a week.
I tend to follow the bodybuilding.com workouts which are great, and also branch out on my own to do stuff. I'm sure that crossfit will be in my future. Diet is pretty good - i try to eat as few things as possible that have don't an expiration date (i.e., mostly unprocessed foods).
Soon to be doing my 5th tough mudder, avid outdoors guy, and looking to take my fitness to the next level, maybe figure out a way to make fitness and exercise my career, instead of this shit office job i have, haha.
4 years ago I was 30 lbs leaner, and not in a good way! I've come a long way since then and am excited to be on this journey.
I look forward to connecting with many of you and hopefully becoming more knowledgeable in my fitness and health!