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Thread: Help a brother out - I have never done a cycle before

  1. #1

    Help a brother out - I have never done a cycle before

    So a little background info about me. I am a 19 year old who is 5 feet 9 143 pounds. The supplements I am taking right now are Creatine monohydrate, Muscle Milk, CLA, BCAA, Green Tea, Fish Oil, and Centrum multivitamins.
    My goal for this summer is body recomposition. I want to put more muscle on my arms and legs, while cutting of any remaining belly fat. To fulfill this goal, I am planning on doing a cycle this summer. I am either going to take Osta-Red and Red PCT (for cycle support). Or I will use Eliminate by Olympus Labs.
    Now my question is which option will produce better results with minimum side effects. Also if I choose to use Eliminate, should I take cycle support with it. If so, what kindand what dosage should I take? For Osta-Red, the company recommends taking 1-3 capsules a day. Should I start off with 1 for a week and dose up? I am worried about back pumps and joint pains, and I hope it doesn't become an issue. I have never done a cycle before, so I want to do this right.

    P.S: Will I have to cut out any off the supplements I am taking as of now? I am also on an antidepressant, and I have to take adderall on as needed basis. Feel free to suggest any supplements I can use other than Osta-Red and Eliminate. Since it's my first time, I don't want to take any strong prohormones.

  2. #2
    Whoops this is the wrong forum. my bad.
    Last edited by serpentslayer007; 05-28-2016 at 11:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Its okay im sure they wont ban you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    My take.

    You dont wanna run all...without a testbase. And you are too young for a testbase. Ostarine without test will make you worse. It will shut you down in weeks and soon the gains you get the first weeks will be reversed from low test. But it will mess up your cholestrol like a steroid.

    Same story for Eliminate, if it works, the gains will dissapear when your natural test lowers. If your natural test do not lower, it doesnt work.

    You are too young to gear your AR.
    SR9009 and Superlaxo. Those will not interfer with you natty production, but none of them are directly anabolic, they just make you able to train harder and longer. But there are hard to find human studies for sr9009, but i tried it resently and it worked like hell the first 3 weeks. No sides, just bettering of cardiovaskular health!! Fatloss and increased endurance.

    Take it easy, i guess you will have a muscular body which the girls love in your 30s and 40s also?...well, if you gear too young you can forget all about that.
    And you can grow naturally. When you hit 25 its impossible too grow naturally. So why use your quota now and not save it until you really need it.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 06-07-2016 at 04:31 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum.

  6. #6
    welcome to the forum!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    My take. You dont wanna run all...without a testbase. And you are too young for a testbase. Ostarine without test will make you worse. It will shut you down in weeks and soon the gains you get the first weeks will be reversed from low test. But it will mess up your cholestrol like a steroid. Same story for Eliminate, if it works, the gains will dissapear when your natural test lowers. If your natural test do not lower, it doesnt work. You are too young to gear your AR. SR9009 and Superlaxo. Those will not interfer with you natty production, but none of them are directly anabolic, they just make you able to train harder and longer. But there are hard to find human studies for sr9009, but i tried it resently and it worked like hell the first 3 weeks. No sides, just bettering of cardiovaskular health!! Fatloss and increased endurance. Take it easy, i guess you will have a muscular body which the girls love in your 30s and 40s also?...well, if you gear too young you can forget all about that. And you can grow naturally. When you hit 25 its impossible too grow naturally. So why use your quota now and not save it until you really need it.
    Good advice!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2016
    I quit reading when he said he was 19... lol

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