What's up everybody? I have visited this forum several times in the recent past and liked the quality of the knowledge that is being shared so I decided to contribute by becoming a member.
I have been strength training / body building / dieting since January of 2014 when I decided to take control of my body and mind. I was tired of the anxiety that was generated from my excess body fat and feeling like shit, in general. In regards to training and nutrition, I would say I am somewhere between the advanced beginner and competent levels.
I consider myself a self-experimenter and like to test out theories in the body hacks, training, nutrition, supplementation and drug categories.
My first orders of business on here will be to reach 100 posts (makes the forum a more useful tool afterward), research all aspects of a beginner's cycle, and maybe gain some new knowledge on training. I have a while before the timing of my first cycle would be optimal so I figured I can meet some people and soak up some new info in the meantime.
See ya around.