Hey all, Just want to introduce myself. 26 Y/O, 6'0" tall, 205lbs, bodyfat somewhere in the 14-16% range im guessing....
I have never done a cycle before but I have been working out for 6 years now with the last 4 years being 4-5 days per week, extremely consistent, only missing one-two weeks a years for a general break and body to rest. My diet is very consistent and I have managed to put on about 20lbs of muscle in the 4 years I have been training hard with a proper diet to match. I have finally decided to pull the trigger on AAS now that im 26 and feel I am slowing down in terms of growth. I have done a fair share of research and investigating on this forum and others. Anyway, just wanted to say hello, I am about 3 weeks out from starting, but I will post a pic of myself before I start along with my plan on the other board. Trying to shed this last couple lbs of BF and get down to the low teen bodyfat percentage range before my first pin.