How can i fix this im 28 years old been goin to gym over 3 years this is my first cycle i take 1cc twice a week im 145lbs ive herd Arimadex will help this need help..
How can i fix this im 28 years old been goin to gym over 3 years this is my first cycle i take 1cc twice a week im 145lbs ive herd Arimadex will help this need help..
I'm on TRT and I think I have some water retention but it's not so bad, I also eat a lot of calories. I do notice that if I squeeze my abs I look great, but if I let it all hang out it's sometimes overwhelming. haha. I'm on test C, only use 80mg a week. It works for me really well. Higher doses work worse. Everybody's different
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Yes it can. It did in my case after a year being treat as TRT. Get your blood levels checked on T and E2 also make sure your RBC is not getting too high. My doc adjusted my T dosage and put me on HCG and Anastrozole with DIMM. Water weight issue resolved.
Holy 'knowledge deficiency' batman! Sounds like you didn't have a difficult time getting hooked up by a friend. Too bad he didn't teach you nothin.' brother, you need help unless you know more than you're letting on. The best way for you to help yourself is for you to bring well thought out/researched questions to the very experienced guys here.
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