Hello everyone,
A little about myself. I became a father at a young age and went through a stage of depression after me and my wife went our own ways. I started to eat and eat allot! I went up to 295lbs in a year. About a year and a half later it started taking a toll on my health as far as sleeping issues and just being unhappy and uncomfortable with myself. Long story short in another year I dropped to 160lbs. working out every day and barely eating honestly. I started working out and met this guy that would run AAS. he introduced me to this world and long behold here I am. I currently have 3 cycles under my belt, which are as follows.
Cycle 1: Test-E
Cycle 2: Test-E & Tren-E
Cycle 3: (same as cycle 2)
my stats are as follows
195lbs currently
Body Fat- no clue if I had to say a rough guess id say 14-18%