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Thread: Least risky steroid for first cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Podgorica, Montenegro

    Least risky steroid for first cycle?

    Hi i am a 20 year old and i am very serious about bodybuilding and I've decided to use steroids to prepare for my next competition, I am aware of the possible side effects but i am very willing to take the risks. My stats :190lbs around 10% bodyfat.
    Steroids i can get : Dbol ,Winstrol ,Anadrol ,Anavar ,Sustanon ,Boldenon,Tre n,Test E or Deca .
    My first pick was anavar but since i am planing short cycle (4 weeks at lower dosage) i found out that anavar will not do much for me right ? On the other hand winstrol is good too (considering the side effects) and it does not amortize.
    Please don't preach to me how I am too young for steroids as i have already decided to do it, at least help me do it right. Thanks in advance
    Last edited by PowerGym; 08-26-2016 at 05:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by PowerGym View Post
    Hi i am a 20 year old and i am very serious about bodybuilding and I've decided to use steroids to prepare for my next competition, I am aware of the possible side effects but i am very willing to take the risks. My stats :190lbs around 10% bodyfat.
    Steroids i can get : Dbol ,Winstrol ,Anadrol ,Anavar ,Sustanon ,Boldenon,Tre n,Test E or Deca .
    My first pick was anavar but since i am planing short cycle (4 weeks at lower dosage) i found out that anavar will not do much for me right ? On the other hand winstrol is good too (considering the side effects) and it does not amortize.
    Please don't preach to me how I am too young for steroids as i have already decided to do it, at least help me do it right. Thanks in advance
    You are my age, and it is to young, but I won't preach, you are going to do it anyway regardless of what more experienced people tell you.

    Anavar will not do much for your goals. Read this.

    edit: Cant post links, search "My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle"

    Please note again, it is not a good idea, AT ALL, regardless of how well you execute the cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Also if you are truly 190 at 10% BF, natural and 20 years old you are insane to do anything with your hormones.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Podgorica, Montenegro
    Morning weight 186lbs (while workout 191lbs) , body fat 10% is my guess bcs i have visible 6 pack and vascularity , i never actually measured my bodyfat. Thanks for article its very good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    If you read that link than it answers any question you asked regarding the safest route - although we don't condone taking steroids at your age... Test needs to be the base of any cycle and it being your first all you'd ever need...

    I agree rossf... You are too young but don't run an oral only cycle for 4 wks and if that was your plan pleAse hit the drawin board again - best of luck and I hope you make the RIGHT decision!

  6. #6
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    Podgorica, Montenegro
    As for growth i think i am tall enough , even a bit more then i want to be (i dont mind that at all).
    My diet is as good as it can be at this moment.
    4 years of training experience.
    I already have done blood work week ako , i am totaly healthy only problem is that i have a bit thick blood which i will have to fix.
    I planed to take steroid that doesnt amortize (winstrol or anavar most likely) and i will have clomid for post cycle as well as milk thistle as liver suport during the cycle.
    Only thing the concerns me is endocrine system so thats the reason i am looking for least risky one.

    edit:as for hcg i could get pregnyl.
    I will have to rethink this cople of more time bcs there is not even one person that agreed with me that i should do this cycle (not just on forums but alot steroid users at my gym are against me taking it at this time)
    Last edited by PowerGym; 08-26-2016 at 07:06 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum, great place to be and learn.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    If your gonna do it test only is beautiful first know that saying hindsight is 20/20 well in hindsight I shoulda reasearched and waited to do my first cycle but what can you do?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Podgorica, Montenegro
    Thanks clarky.
    Kingkong i dont feel like injecting myself at this stage ,and i decided to postpone this cycle for some time but i will stick around on forum can learn some things here before i decide to cycle.
    Thanks for your replies everyone.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Rossf View Post
    Also if you are truly 190 at 10% BF, natural and 20 years old you are insane to do anything with your hormones.
    Exactly. I'm considering this first time at age 32. Lol. And I'm still hesitant on the maybes of messing up my natural test

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    East Coast beach town

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Im glad to see that you decided to hold off on the oral only cycle.

  13. #13
    I was that age when I started taking anabolic steroids and 33 yrs still am so not to bad for you, for a first dose you could try either anavar, stanozol or dbol, dbol probably give you best results with just 20 mg daily good to start although stnzl my first ever , just keep doses so you won't need to be taking big doses early in your career once your receptor sites shut down

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Mr Universe View Post
    I was that age when I started taking anabolic steroids and 33 yrs still am so not to bad for you, for a first dose you could try either anavar, stanozol or dbol, dbol probably give you best results with just 20 mg daily good to start although stnzl my first ever , just keep doses so you won't need to be taking big doses early in your career once your receptor sites shut down
    I'm not sure this is wise advice to follow.

  15. #15
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    Podgorica, Montenegro
    Reason why i gave up on stanozol is bcs of damage it can do to joins and i have big history with joint injuries.
    Dbol or anavar were my first options , but anavar was more attractive for me bcs no water retention and its weaker then most of other steroids, but i decided to stay away from steroids a bit some time and to deal with my thick blood issue which can cause problems while taking steroids right?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by PowerGym View Post
    Reason why i gave up on stanozol is bcs of damage it can do to joins and i have big history with joint injuries.
    Dbol or anavar were my first options , but anavar was more attractive for me bcs no water retention and its weaker then most of other steroids, but i decided to stay away from steroids a bit some time and to deal with my thick blood issue which can cause problems while taking steroids right?
    I believe only certain compounds would result in the thickening of blood but don't quote me on that... rather wait for someone well versed to speak to that. Nonetheless, you are making the right decision to hold off on your cycle. Health and safety are priority. Im not a fan of oral only cycles because the way I look at it, you have one shot at hitting your first cycle why would you want to suppress/shutdown your testosterone function for an oral when you could take the real deal. IMO if you are not ready to inject you are not ready to cycle. Good luck with everything!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Welcome to the forum!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    See good advice from the guys already!

  19. #19
    Glad to see your being patient and putting your health first man, gj

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