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Thread: Hello im john i need some help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Hello im john i need some help

    20 years old
    165 lbs

    I am very aware that i am way too young to even consider using steroids and i researched a whole lot and im aware of all of the risks. I know i can reach my goals sooner or later if i stay natty but i play college football and inwant to excel as quickly as possible. My mind is almost 100% made up that i am going to take a steroid. My goal is to gain and keep about 10-15 pounds of muscle and also get quicker/faster but here is my dilemma.i want to be as safe as i possibly can. I am considering test e , anavar , and tbol. I was told test e is great for starters and is very effective but it completely shuts down your hpta. With tbol and anavar (i heard) it doesnt completely shut it down but it surpresses it which i feel would be better but less effective.
    can somebody please recommend which is the best for staying safe and gaining 10-15 pounds and exactly how to do the cycle with an aromatizer and pct.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnhenson View Post
    20 years old
    165 lbs

    I am very aware that i am way too young to even consider using steroids and i researched a whole lot and im aware of all of the risks. I know i can reach my goals sooner or later if i stay natty but i play college football and inwant to excel as quickly as possible. My mind is almost 100% made up that i am going to take a steroid. My goal is to gain and keep about 10-15 pounds of muscle and also get quicker/faster but here is my dilemma.i want to be as safe as i possibly can. I am considering test e , anavar , and tbol. I was told test e is great for starters and is very effective but it completely shuts down your hpta. With tbol and anavar (i heard) it doesnt completely shut it down but it surpresses it which i feel would be better but less effective.
    can somebody please recommend which is the best for staying safe and gaining 10-15 pounds and exactly how to do the cycle with an aromatizer and pct.
    Thats impossible. U cant stay safe and use aas as a 20 year old. Thats contradictory.

    U have to alter the demands.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    I dont mind about the short term effects ill deal with those. But youre saying that i will 100000% damage my endocrine system permanently? Im sure there are safe ways to avoid long term damage.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Thats impossible. U cant stay safe and use aas as a 20 year old. Thats contradictory.

    U have to alter the demands.
    I dont mind about the short term effects ill deal with those. But youre saying that i will 100000% damage my endocrine system permanently? Im sure there are safe ways to avoid long term damage.
    What do u mean by alter demands?
    Last edited by Johnhenson; 09-01-2016 at 06:57 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnhenson View Post

    I dont mind about the short term effects ill deal with those. But youre saying that i will 100000% damage my endocrine system permanently? Im sure there are safe ways to avoid long term damage.
    What do u mean by alter demands?
    We can only tell you so much, if you really wanna know the truth, and reality aspects of it, you will need to spend great deal of time and effort and read trough all iformational stickies you can gather on this forum. If you wanna play you will have to pay. If you came here to get an answer that is like a magic pill - it wont happen. Please educate yourself before you do anything, unless you wanna be on the young naive and dumb side, its your life you can do what you want with it. We wish only the best.
    Beaides if I read it correct - youre way too young for AAS, too - you need to read exactly why

    Search: "young and steroids"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum, take your time and read. Then read some more, learn join in ask as many Q as you like, but in the right sub forums.

    This section is just for intros.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hey John.

    Do as Clarky says, take your time, read, understand and read read read again.

    Yes you are young, yes you are light. A change in diet will likely help you beyond belief but here is some of that reading.

    When you are ready start a thread in the diet section and the anabolic q&a if you still feel the need to cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Watch a on old movie called Gatika. Watched it in school. About genetically superior humans that are training for a certain purpose. I forget why but then there is a normal man. That pushes himself beyond the threshold of them genetically altered people...he does this by will power, ,mental dexterity and physical toughness. he is equal and beyond in many ways because of his mind and natural ability, i forget the rest but it's like your situation possibly ..I am 30 years old and first time considering a cycle. I'm training for an Army special forces program. SFAS. And I will not rely on a substance dictating my true ability. Sure the cycle will help recovery, boost performance of course depending on your effort and output/diet and regiment etc. but it won't give you the determination, ability, will drive. Etc. sure it can help you mood I imagine since its testosteron and the benifets I'm sure are cool. But I wouldn't risk ruining you natural production possibly permanent at such a young rather be natural peak production at the levels of a 20year old rather a short term benifet with possible side effects
    Last edited by Marsoc; 09-03-2016 at 12:46 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Welcome, John. I can only second what BiB posted above. It sounds have a great love for football. Also, I'm going to ask a question that may sound dumb, but I have to plead ignorance on the subject. Will you be subject to any drug testing or screening during the time of your proposed cycle?
    Again, at your age, I feel Back In Black's post is THE place to start. Let's see what gains you can achieve by altering your diet. Also, as Clarky mentioned: read, read, and then read again. If you have a question about the information, post it up in the appropriate area and let's see if you can get some input.
    Welcome to the forum!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnhenson View Post
    I dont mind about the short term effects ill deal with those. But youre saying that i will 100000% damage my endocrine system permanently? Im sure there are safe ways to avoid long term damage.
    What do u mean by alter demands?
    Forget the alter demands.

    No, im not sayind that. Im saying most likely, 75% possibility you will not damage your hpta.
    But would you do a russian rullet with 4 chambers and one bullet? For just a very short term reward?
    No, you wouldnt.

    Well, the miss will not lead to death ofcourse but a natty testlevel in your 20s in the 3-400 ng/dl range. Like a 60-70 year old. Shame man..... all the girls you are about to chase.

    In the 30s it will lower more.

    So to fucktion like others at your age you will need a shot of test for the rest of your life every week. And then u must follow your hct bloodvalues every week, water-retention (e2rise), cholestrol and your balls will shrink from the TRT-dose, and then you need hcg...wich also has its own sides...

    Dont do it, wait until you are 25. Then there will only be one bullet, and...10-15 empty chambers.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-01-2016 at 11:06 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post

    Forget the alter demands.

    No, im not sayind that. Im saying most likely, 75% possibility you will not damage your hpta.
    But would you do a russian rullet with 4 chambers and one bullet? For just a very short term reward?
    No, you wouldnt.

    Well, the miss will not lead to death ofcourse but a natty testlevel in your 20s in the 3-400 ng/dl range. Like a 60-70 year old. Shame man..... all the girls you are about to chase.

    In the 30s it will lower more.

    So to fucktion like others at your age you will need a shot of test for the rest of your life every week. And then u must follow your hct bloodvalues every week, water-retention (e2rise), cholestrol and your balls will shrink from the TRT-dose, and then you need hcg...wich also has its own sides...

    Dont do it, wait until you are 25. Then there will only be one bullet, and...10-15 empty chambers.
    Newbie endangerment, misinformation

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken

  15. #15
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    East Coast beach town

  16. #16
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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Welcome to the forum!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I did a lot in my 20's and now im 55 getting back in shape with HRT and what the guys talk about here. Welcome

  19. #19

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