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Thread: Newbie intro

  1. #1

    Newbie intro

    Hello I am 30 years old 6'1" 165. I was on tes by my doctor for 1 and a half years until late my insurance dropped my coverage about 9 months ago. I was under 320 befor treatment and with treatment I was above 800. I alsonly used hcg every 6 monthes. I have also actively worked out since I was 16 and have been doing programs by Jim stoppanI for the over year. Now since I dropped my tes treatment and started eating real food and proper dieting, I feel as good as I did on the treatment. But have been 160 to 170 since I was 18 and looking into getting a edge at the gym.

    Can anyone link some good information and yes I am reading and finding my own information. Just would be nice to have a jump on the layout of this site

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    With a test in the 300s your food makes you feel like in the 800s?? are u eating:-)?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Powerinfo5150 View Post
    Hello I am 30 years old 6'1" 165. I was on tes by my doctor for 1 and a half years until late my insurance dropped my coverage about 9 months ago. I was under 320 befor treatment and with treatment I was above 800. I alsonly used hcg every 6 monthes. I have also actively worked out since I was 16 and have been doing programs by Jim stoppanI for the over year. Now since I dropped my tes treatment and started eating real food and proper dieting, I feel as good as I did on the treatment. But have been 160 to 170 since I was 18 and looking into getting a edge at the gym.

    Can anyone link some good information and yes I am reading and finding my own information. Just would be nice to have a jump on the layout of this site

    Welcome to the site, best place to start since your off test now is to have your bloods checked again for full and free Testosterone, you may have bounced back well and your natural levels are higher than before which would be real luck. But please just browse all main forum sections and you will see stickies at the top of each page - those are the ones that you wanna start reading and dont stop till you read and digest it all. You will learn gread thing here. Stickies are usually at the top of the pages.

    Ignore people like silabolin, as his knowledge is currently based on real-life rich-piana experiences and poor language skills, will hardly lead one to anything good. Just heads up (unless you agree with him then its your choice)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Coast beach town

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Welcome to the forum!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Welcome to the site and keep reading!

  9. #9
    Chicken tuna eggs vegetables all the basics. I also work nights Witch real messes up my body and at the time I was working 60 plus hours a week Witch played it's part. But i don't know why my tess was so low and have not seen what it is now

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    Welcome to the site, best place to start since your off test now is to have your bloods checked again for full and free Testosterone, you may have bounced back well and your natural levels are higher than before which would be real luck. But please just browse all main forum sections and you will see stickies at the top of each page - those are the ones that you wanna start reading and dont stop till you read and digest it all. You will learn gread thing here. Stickies are usually at the top of the pages.

    Ignore people like silabolin, as his knowledge is currently based on real-life rich-piana experiences and poor language skills, will hardly lead one to anything good. Just heads up (unless you agree with him then its your choice)
    Thank you for the,link and heads uP. Much appreciated

  11. #11
    Ok I got a email link about one day after signing up. Its for products but is it spam or the real deal

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

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