39 yrs. old 6'1'' 190 lbs. dad body Have never worked out regularly.
I started taking 30mg var and 20 mg dianabol in morning and 20mg var and 10 mg dianabol at night two weeks ago.
My bench went from 100lbs to 150lbs. I lift every other day and do cardio on the days that I don't workout. I eat between 2,000 and 3,000 calories a day, drink a gallon of water. My protein is only 150 g a day ( I need to work on that)
I just got some test e and pinned for the first time today.
My plan is to stop the orals and do the test e 600mg a week (two pins a week) for 14 weeks and get back on the Var 50mg for weeks 9 - 14. I have Arimidex for pct, but have been unable to source anything else.
I also have enough HGH for 2iu a day for 6 months. Should i wait to do the HGH or stack it? i am not looking to get huge, just bigger and cut...like a ryan reynolds type body. Any advice will be greatly appreciated..... and yes, I know I probably started a little too soon, but here I am now.