So I have been working out consitantly for about a year and half now ive made decent gains my stats are 165 lbs 5"11 and about 12% body fat
I know some of you will tell me I am not close to my genetic max yet and tell me to wait but I already have my mind made up and I am one week in.
My bench is at 225x1 squat 275 2x I can do 8 pull ups and I don't dead lift because I feel like I don't need to.
like I said I already have my mind made up and I have already started so give me a favor and don't flame me for doing it to early.
My buddy at work gets his stuff from wfn and he has got the sustanon 250 and the tren e. So he gave me the link.
SO I bought a cyp 250 and the deca 300 along with some anavar. The reason I am not doing a test only cycle is because I am predisposed to mail pattern baldness and my pops starting loosing his hair at 21 because he did sustonon at 500 mg a week. so I am only going to do cyp 250 1wk deca 300 1wk and start the anivar at the end of my cycle. I have done a lot of research after buying these products (which is stupid I know I should have researched before hand) and I am reading all these terrible things about wfn!! Will somebody tell me if they have done there deca or anavar and let me know how it is. I have already pinned the test and the deca and I feel like I feel it for sure because I am waking up with crazy morning wood and sex drive is crazy. but I'm skeptical on the var because i am fearing they just gave me dbol or winstrol which are very androgenic and that goes away from what I am trying to do. I will post updates on my progress and let you all know how it is going but in the mean time will somebody tell me if they have taken there var and if it is real var. (better be for 80 bucks)
I Also know a lot of of you will tell me I need to take more test than deca but I am not going over 250 a wk its not even an option. please get back to me I will post progress weekly thanks - kell