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Thread: 1st cycle need reviews on wfn

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    1st cycle need reviews on wfn

    So I have been working out consitantly for about a year and half now ive made decent gains my stats are 165 lbs 5"11 and about 12% body fat
    I know some of you will tell me I am not close to my genetic max yet and tell me to wait but I already have my mind made up and I am one week in.
    My bench is at 225x1 squat 275 2x I can do 8 pull ups and I don't dead lift because I feel like I don't need to.
    like I said I already have my mind made up and I have already started so give me a favor and don't flame me for doing it to early.
    My buddy at work gets his stuff from wfn and he has got the sustanon 250 and the tren e. So he gave me the link.
    SO I bought a cyp 250 and the deca 300 along with some anavar. The reason I am not doing a test only cycle is because I am predisposed to mail pattern baldness and my pops starting loosing his hair at 21 because he did sustonon at 500 mg a week. so I am only going to do cyp 250 1wk deca 300 1wk and start the anivar at the end of my cycle. I have done a lot of research after buying these products (which is stupid I know I should have researched before hand) and I am reading all these terrible things about wfn!! Will somebody tell me if they have done there deca or anavar and let me know how it is. I have already pinned the test and the deca and I feel like I feel it for sure because I am waking up with crazy morning wood and sex drive is crazy. but I'm skeptical on the var because i am fearing they just gave me dbol or winstrol which are very androgenic and that goes away from what I am trying to do. I will post updates on my progress and let you all know how it is going but in the mean time will somebody tell me if they have taken there var and if it is real var. (better be for 80 bucks)
    I Also know a lot of of you will tell me I need to take more test than deca but I am not going over 250 a wk its not even an option. please get back to me I will post progress weekly thanks - kell
    Last edited by kellho; 10-05-2016 at 09:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Also is armidex absolutely necessary ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Also I forget to add I can not find one single thread online about about wfn var

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Repost in the anabolic q&a but stop your deca immediately.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    You can purchase a labmax test and thats really the only way to know for sure other than actually taking the anavar and finding out for yourself.

    Deca on a first cycle is not a very good idea. Your recovery will be extremely difficult.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Welcome Kellho! I used wfn about a year ago. I lab maxed their Test Prop and Tren, they all tested positive for the substance but I'm positive the Tren was underdosed significantly. And the prop I'm pretty sure was too. But I don't have BW to prove it. I also tried their Dbol which raised my blood pressure too high, so I stopped taking it. I'm still not sure if it was Dbol, I didn't test it. I agree with BB, I would drop the Deca. It's a 19 nor and very suppressive. An AI is always necessary with a cycle and you would benefit greatly by running HCG in your cycle. Don't forget Clomid and Nolva for your PCT. Good luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    thankyou for all the replies everyone . but Besides the fact that deca is very suppressive I don't see any other downsidei. I have my arimidex on the wayso I don't get gyno . id rather get deca dick for a month than start balding right now. I am going to come off right and have decided to stop the deca after ten weeks. then I'm going to run the test for 14 weeks then on the 16 week I will start my hcg and clomid along with a natural test booster. Also would any of you recommend using var as a kickstart opposed to a cutter ?
    Last edited by kellho; 10-05-2016 at 09:47 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by kellho
    thankyou for all the supplies everyone . but Besides the fact that deca is very suppressive I don't see any other downsidei. I have my arimidex on the wayso I don't get gyno . id rather get deca dick for a month than start balding right now. I am going to come off right and have decided to stop the deca after ten weeks. then I'm going to run the test for 14 weeks then on the 16 week I will start my hcg and clomid along with a natural test booster. Also would any of you recommend using var as a kickstart opposed to a cutter ?
    If you want to give yourself the best chance to recover your natural Test. HCG should be ran though out the duration of your cycle @ 250ius 2xpw. And you need nolva and Clomid for PCT.
    Just want to give you some options. Good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Coast beach town

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Its not just deca dick you need to worry about. Its getting back to normal function. If your body takes longer to start producing test again, then you are essentially pissing away gains in that time frame because of your body being so low in natural test.

    If you decide to go thru with it, then add hcg like strongblood said and do a pct of clomid and nolva.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    But if I stop using the deca at ten weeks and then stop using test at 14 then start on week 16 won't the deca be out of my system ? I heard that's where people mess up while taking deca. They start pct to early (like two weeks after there last deca injection when it should really be four to six weeks doe ding on the dose because it has a very long ester) so these people take the clomid when the deca is still going strong in there system then wonder why they feel like shut after the pct ends . As I said I'm just a beginner and I appreciate the advice everybody I will post updates and stats every Tuesday .

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Wouldn't that be a lot of money bro ? Isn't hcg expensive?
    Last edited by kellho; 10-05-2016 at 09:46 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    The deca will be out of your system, yes. But that doesn't change the fact that recovering from a 19nor is not an easy task.

    All Im saying is you are better of taking as many precautions as possible the last thing you want is to lose gains post cycle because you aren't recovery properly. Please edit your post price discussion is not allowed but 1 vial of hcg should be around that and would last you 10 weeks @ 250iu 2x per week. If you are really that worried about a couple bucks run your hcg for the last 10 weeks of your cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Its not that its just the hcg but two bottles of var two bottles of test one bottle of deca arimidex clomid and nolvadex lol
    This is what I get for jumping into it without the proper research on the economics of it but hopefully I will gain 30 lbs and keep that. I'm not even close to my genetic max and I have decided to use the var as a kicker rather than a cutter. do you know if it is hard to bulk on var? becase I have read it can decrease appetite a lot . but then again I have read deca makes you eat a lot so maybe it will even out

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Please start a thread in the q&a this section is for intro's only.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Welcome... I have pinned wfn gear (test e/prop, tren e/a) and it is legit. I have nothing else to compare the tren to. I found the orals were not good.. I started with their adex and had to drop it for another option a few weeks in. Just my experience

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Welcome im also new

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