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Thread: whatsupper, oakland here..

  1. #1

    whatsupper, oakland here..

    I've been on and off in the gym since 21. i have been going steady for the last few years. i'm 41, 208lbs, 19% BF. i have also have a solid background in healthcare.

    I've decided to try my first cycle and have decided on test e for 10 weeks at 250ml per week, followed by clomid and nolva for PCT.

    this is just a one or two time thing for me at most so i really want to loose some fat, and gain some hard defined muscle. i was thinking about adding a cutting agent such as tren or primo at a very low dose, say 50ml's a week for a light touch due to it's side effects and me not knowing jack shit. being in scrubs all day i don't want to be running around in cold sweats and hot flashes having co-workers think I'm doing coke.

    so what do you fellas think?
    should i try something else ?
    should i just stick to the test e?

    also, i plan on running arimidex at 1mg every other day if i add a cutting agent.
    Last edited by diaznutz; 10-10-2016 at 06:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Welcome to the Board!! I wouldnt run the cycle. Take some time and read the beginner cycle sticky. This will give you all the info needed to run a well planned cycle.

  3. #3
    thanks, i'll check it out. what's you opinion on Clen?

  4. #4
    hey bio, thanks for the link. not the first, "first cycle " recommendation i have read, but definitely the one that makes the most sense so why not. gonna add the hcg as well.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by diaznutz View Post
    hey bio, thanks for the link. not the first, "first cycle " recommendation i have read, but definitely the one that makes the most sense so why not. gonna add the hcg as well.
    The reality is do not go into this thinking that you are going to just do one or two cycles and then stop. If you are past your genetic potential you will not be able to keep the gains after the cycle is discontinued. You would be surprised how much you can gain with just a good nutrition plan and a good workout plan

  6. #6
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    You would get a lot more from the cycle if you could get your BF down to 15% or less. First cycle needs to consist of only one compound Testosterone. In your case Test Enanthate. But, 250mg pw isn't really enough bro. I would do 250mgs. 2 X pw say every Sunday and Thursday. And even at that dose you don't need 1mg. of Arimidex eod. Your going to bottom out your estrogen. I would try .050mgs. E3D. But, if you stick to the 250mgs. PW, only take .025 mgs of Arimidex E3D. And yes, HCG 250ius 2 x pw. starting one week after your first injection. Get blood work after 5 weeks (halfway through your cycle) and make adjustments from there. I would recommend BW right before you start your cycle. That way you will have something to reference your natural hormone levels after PCT. And yes you will need BW at the end of your PCT about 6 weeks after your last dose of PCT meds. To see if you regained your previous natural Testosterone levels. And it's a very good chance you will not do that.
    Welcome to the forum, and good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the forum!

  8. #8
    Greetings, welcome to the forums!

  9. #9
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    Welcome to the site DiazNutz. LOL, love the name.

  10. #10
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    Welcome to the forum.

  11. #11
    yes, that would normally be the case. i however plan on two cycles at most, than depending on how i respond i plan on doing my own 150-250ml a week "TRT" type thing just for maintenance (long after my 500ml a week cycle of course) . a coworker has been on TRT and as im sure you know his doc gives him test cyp at 250 a week for the last year. no off time, and obviously no pct.

    i'm no noobie to exercise and weight loss, and i have some pretty mass already but it's just not enough anymore. i use to smoke heavy pot, and i suspect this to have also aided in lowered levels of testosterone
    my goal inst to keep getting bigger and massive, i just want to stack on another 15-30 lbs and bring my BF down for a nice lean look to be maintained with my previous diet and exercise
    Last edited by diaznutz; 10-12-2016 at 11:33 AM.

  12. #12
    exactly, i had planned on doing pretty much everything your suggesting. i will use the 250 a week as a start off point(dragon pharma tested at 249%) and then graduate to 500ml if i feel good about it. in the second month, of my 3 month cycle i plan on running the 500 a week with GP labs ( or 600 due to it testing at 301%), than back to dragon in the 3rd month.
    i was going to use the arimidex at 1mg a day, every other day just as a precaution, but i didn't think i needed it really.

    this was the first cycle i was planning on running with off of, it doesnt even mention arimidex.

    The Best Beginner Steroid Cycles:
    Week 1-12 Testosterone-Enanthate or Testosterone-Cypionate: 250mg-500mg per week
    Week 13-15 you will take nothing and let the testosterone begin to clear out
    Week 16-17 Nolvadex 40mg per day
    Week 18-19 Nolvadex 20mg per day

    one of my concerns is the arimidex affecting my gains, i have read a couple of things stating it hinders gains. so yes, i would much rather lower it to .25 a day.

    i have to admit thought, the hcg seems like a little overkill to me.

  13. #13
    lol, thanks man. it seems everyone is using my old moniker of "deeznutz", so i figured i would ad my own little Latin American touch to it.

  14. #14
    just noticed your avatar, i was a 91b/91d attached to the 147th armored, good to see brothers from other branches here.

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