I've been on and off in the gym since 21. i have been going steady for the last few years. i'm 41, 208lbs, 19% BF. i have also have a solid background in healthcare.
I've decided to try my first cycle and have decided on test e for 10 weeks at 250ml per week, followed by clomid and nolva for PCT.
this is just a one or two time thing for me at most so i really want to loose some fat, and gain some hard defined muscle. i was thinking about adding a cutting agent such as tren or primo at a very low dose, say 50ml's a week for a light touch due to it's side effects and me not knowing jack shit. being in scrubs all day i don't want to be running around in cold sweats and hot flashes having co-workers think I'm doing coke.
so what do you fellas think?
should i try something else ?
should i just stick to the test e?
also, i plan on running arimidex at 1mg every other day if i add a cutting agent.