I posted this in the over-40 Forum: I haven't really been on the site in about ten years and I'm starting a new cycle as follows w/history below.
I lived here on this forum for a few months long ago when I wasn't age appropriate for this sub-forum. So, I'm back. 1st post in a while and I'm starting my first cycle in, what I think is about 10 years. See below:
1st cycle was 11 weeks of test-e for 11 weeks, dbol 30mg ed for the first month or so, dirty bulk and Nolva on cycle and clomid pct. I got big and strong and then off cycle I got lean and kept the strength for a long time and still have a transformed my body. All my major muscle groups benefitted and still do to this day from that one cycle a decade ago. I'm always relatively athletic and if I get out of shape, I don't stay long.
NEW CYCLE OF EXCITEMENT!!! Starting 10/23/2016
Everything I have is HG pharmacy gear with prescription. Not sure exactly how I'm going to run this but here are some ideas:
Test Cyp: 420mg/wk for 15-20 weeks
Oxandrolone: 50mg/ed for 12 weeks probably at the end of the cycle.
Dbol: 30mg/ed for 6 weeks at the beginning of the cycle (weeks 1-6)
Nolva and A-dex during cycle as a prophylactic (will have some dose theories by Sunday.
Metformin 500mg/ed
Liv supplement as directed/ed
Vit B12 supplements 2x/week IM
Clomid and HCG starting two weeks after last injection of test-c as directed by Doc
Lol, forgot: Taladafil for "Blood flow" during cycle
So that's the general idea writ large. I'm going for total overall fitness and trying to balance size and strength and speed and look, etc. I fight train as well as lift and I want to throw some experimental exercise routines for me in this one.
I'll start a daily log on Sunday with pics followed by the good stuff: Diet, lifts, cardio, mood, drive, etc
All recommendations and thoughts are welcome and requested.