Hello all. I'm brand new to this forum. Was hoping to get a little help. I"m 44 years old, 5'7", 177 lbs, 13% BF, 20+ years lifting (off/on due to injuries). I was thinking of starting a cycle of AAS/HGH to help with the following: C5/C6, L4/L5 herniations, lateral and medial epicondylitis (golf/tennis elbow) both arms. I've been reading extensively and came across a stack of Test E, Equipoise, and HGH. I will soon be getting Stem cells and PRP injections (Platelet Rich Plasma) for the injuries. I was thinking of putting it all together with 200mg/w Test, 300mg/w EQ, (12 weeks total on both) and 2IU per day HGH first month, then .5 IU increase every week until I get to 6IU per day for 6 months. Read that anymore on Test would not be beneficial, as exogenous testosterone > 200 mg/wk inhibits collagen synthesis, and EQ should be run 3mg/kg of body weight (240 mg/w for me but just rounding to 300mg), which will increase Procollagen III by approximately 340%. Since this is my first cycle, and the amount of AAS I'm using seems to be on the low end compared to other cycles, what would a PCT look like? Read several threads indicating Clomid 100/100/50/50 with Nolva 40/40/20/20. Is this overkill for the AAS amount or should I just run Nolva? Should I include HCG? Will have Adex on hand if needed. Any help will be appreciated.