50 years old. My T is running below 300. My DOC is fear mongering taking any T. He was fine with me taking supplements. Took T-Bomb for a while and that helped my mood a bit. AM now taking 4-andro MAX from IML and will try ULTRA MALE RX from IML. Not sure if the andro/prohormone is giving me what I need. I am looking to change my physical appearance. 6ft1 230 (put on about 10lbs taking the andro) I am not interested in doing the injections if I can avoid it. I'd like to get rid of the 42 gut (yes i know the diet needs work!) But Im not getting the results in the gym either. I'd like to have biceps bigger than 15 and 3/4.

What can I get started with, without going full tilt with a whole bunch of different pills.