Hey guys, I've been an active reader here for about the past year I'm 20 years old I've been on the hinges of cycling lately definitely going too just not sure when. Just wanted to make a new post saying Hey and getting ready to become a more active member of the forums. I'll drop my stats as of right now here but as you guys know those are always changing.
BW: 225 lbs
Bench: 325 lbs
Squat: 470 lbs
Deadlift: It's been awhile since I've done deads but the last time I hit it, it was 450 lbs
I also do some olympic lifts when I go to the crossfit gym with my brother, I enjoy doing cleans and snatches because I feel like they help with other lifts
Power clean: 275 lbs
Snatch: 215 lbs
I played football for my highschool team as an offensive linemen weighing in at 320 lbs, that was about two years ago I graduated and now I'm trying to finally look good. I look forward to posting and talking to a majority of you guys here.