Hi guys! New to the forum so here’s my introduction.
39 years old
12% body fat
I’ve done one cycle about 5 years ago but that’s it. I’ve worked out off and on for over 20 years now and have tried every workout known to man within that time! I’m currently loving HIT and have been working out like that for the last year or so. I have a wife and 3 kids so my workouts have to be fast and furious! Lol. Luckily I have a home gym set up in my garage. Typically I’ll jog for 20-30 minutes before my workout then I hit the weights for another 20-30 max. The whole workout usually takes around 45 minutes or so and I do this 4-5 days a week depending on what my kids have going on. Mostly maintenance at this point as I’m really just staying in shape at this stage of the game. My diet is super clean throughout the week but I sure do enjoy some beers on the weekend.. Gotta live a little right? I’m going to step it up a bit and go in another cycle here soon though.
The pic is of me and is about 3 days old so very recent. Not training a lot just maintaining a lean natural look right now.
Thanks guys and it’s good to be here.