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Thread: Gh combined with mk677

  1. #1

    Gh combined with mk677

    Will adding mk677 long term with gh have any benefit if someone aka like me that is on GH but doesn’t respond well to it basically why I’m prescribed it? My thoughts are that it could in the way of mk677 is basically telling my body to produce more from a natural stand point since I don’t produce much naturally compared to others that do then my natural levels should rise then when adding synthetic gh my body will respond well like how others that add gh they respond very well. Or is there still know benefit?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Exogenous GH shuts down natural GH production, I've never seen someone take both at the same time before, but I have seen lots of people say its a waste of money.

    Not sure on the specific science. for example; with steroids that are "less" suppressive than testosterone (Anavar, for example) you can offset the shutdown by consuming Nolva or Clomid alongside it, lots of oral only cycles are done this way, regardless of the fact that it's dumb, it does work to some extent.

    How suppressive is GH? How powerful is mk677 in relation? Does one overcome the other? I just did a few google searches and have found 0 research on this topic, which means that no one can tell you for sure aside from anecdotal evidence, which may very well not match your experience.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum, post your Q in the Q&A for the best help.

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