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Thread: is it too late for clomid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Question is it too late for clomid?

    Thanks a lot for the welcome guys I appreciate it.
    I just finish a twelve-week cycle of sus and propionate two weeks ago. I wanted to start a two weeks cycle of clomid on the last week of my cycle. But my guy doest know when he could get me the clomid I ordered a month ago. In the mean time I’m taking 6-oxo. I can’t tell if it’s kicking up my testosterone or not. Will taking clomid a month or so after my cycle still be helpful in keeping muscle and excess water weight down?
    My cycle went like this
    Week 1 and 3
    1cc of sus
    Week 4 and 5
    2cc of sus
    Week 6 7 and 8
    1cc of sus
    Week 9,10, 11and12
    I ran 1cc 50mg every other day of propionate.
    The Sustanon made me look bloated did not like it much. But the propionate helped with the bloat a lot. I gain 20lb I’m hoping the clomid will kick up my natural test level high enough so I don’t lose it all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I'm no expert on clomid by any means but if it has already been a month that has went by it is probaly too late to effectivly start a clomid cycle. Usually that advice you will get around here is to start clomid 2 weeks after your last injection and run it for 3 weeks alongside nolvadex. go to the steroid questions and ask this question. I'd say not many of the vets or senior members hang out in here. Check there and they can give you some great advice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    yea, they say two weeks. after the halflife dies.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    it will prob be better than nothing though. if your natural levels are still all screwed up, it will help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If you added prop to the end of your cycle the halflife of that is much less than sust so if you ran prop for the last 3 weeks of your cycle after stopping the sust you can run the clomid straight away.
    As always it is worth making sure you have everything for your cycle including clomid
    Take Tribulis and zinc they can help elavate test levels

    Finally welcome to the board!

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