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Thread: New Member To Remember

  1. #1

    New Member To Remember

    I know..Gay title...Just wanted something to catch your eye. Well, I'm an 18 year old college student. I know a great deal about lifting and bodybuilding, I worked at golds gym the past 8 months, and that is where i learned the most. Now i Personally train people here at my colege. Here is a little info on my past: I have been disgustingly skiny most of my life, up untill I got beat up by two big guys..this inspred me to get big..I wasted a good year lifting incorrectly..then I learned a little, and began to lift correctly, and after a drug free year i had gone from benching 90 and weighing 125 tops, I was benching 180 ish and weighing about 155..i know what you thining...SMALL...but i havent gotten to the good part yet...i trained for another 6 months or so and got to about 165lbs, then I met a new friend..and his name was Sustanon 250, we hung out for about 4.5 weeks. I'll admit my first cycle didnt go as good as it could have, but it opened my eyes. I got up to about 180 and benching 275. I eventually lost most of my size gains sice i didnt take anything to rebablance my testosterone, but it was a learning experience. I dropped down to about 165 and then went up to 170. I did look a great deal bigger than before. I'm about to start my next cycle of Sust for 10 weeks, and CLOMID at the end, also have some Nolvadex...I get pretty paranoid about bitch tits....I'll admit they would be fun to play with for a few weeks, but i dont think it would be worth it..Well, thats about it for now...Reply if u have any tips or anything..

  2. #2
    are you crazy!! man reada little more about what the sust is gonna do physically to your body and im notjusttalking about muscle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Question a member to NOT remember!!

    you can not speel gud!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Man i think you have a great deal more to learn. You say you have gained most of your BB knowledge in an 8 month time span. Well 8 months is not shit man. Im not trying to light the fire on you, but you need to read more. The only tip i can give you is to READ READ READ.

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