...okay, so I've thought about it for years, and I think it's time. I'm 22, going on 23 next month. I've been training since I was 16, but really seriously training since I was 20. I've always been a skrawny kid. When I started lifting, I weight 90 lbs and stood 5ft10in tall. I now stand 6ft1in, and weigh 206lbs. I just started bulking up, from 190, so I've covered my abs up, but you can see a little muscle in the pictures. They are poor quality. My mother just took them with my cheap digital camera at 2am. But here they are, please feel free to give your opinion. Also, I'm looking for a good first time cycle, want something simple, using enanthate, deca, d-bol. It's my first, so I don't want to get too crazy, stacking 3 different drugs, but I'd like to see some drastic improvement. And I'd like something that lasts at least 20 weeks. Any help is appreciated...heres the pics