Hi, Ive been doing weights for about 3 months (I think, im not really counting) I started doing them after I got mugged once which pi55ed me off, especially when I was in hospital for 3 weeks with a broken jaw of which I had to have 2 operations on and had it wired and bolted back into place with plates and screws, which looks very cool on an xray
Im only 20 and a complete novice when it comes to taking enhancements, just reading my way through the forums. Im currently only doing 7KG weights per arm (without any enhancements), but hey we all gotta start somewhere
Hopefully I will stand a better chance against muggers this time next year.
Ive been advised to do D-Bol, but I want to check out all the sideaffects first. I dont really want to get huge, I just want people to look at me and think twice before starting trouble or anything.
Thanks for reading