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Thread: not able to get up bench at all!

  1. #1

    not able to get up bench at all!

    Hey guys i was wondering if you could give me some advise Ive been lifting for 2 and a half years and Im not a small kid at 5'11'' 160lbs and Ive never been able to get my bench press sets past 135 for some reason! Everything else goes up and my chest continues to get bigger but not stronger. I am on my seconds week of my first cycle using 25mg of dboll a day. If you have any bench increasing help Id appreciate it. Will the sauce help it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Why in the world are u just using 25mg of dbol a day? And at 5'11 and 160lbs you are small. I see two wrongs here. One, you must have poor training techniques. Two, you are doing AS wrong! Dont take my critisizim wrong either. Im going straight to the point with you because I can tell by your post you have not done your homework. Stop the dbol now. Before we go any further I want to know your age, diet, supplements, training techniques, and god forbid what you got for a cycle. Dbol is not going to cut it. Follow these two rules my friend for lifting. "Its not how much you lift its how you lift it". Second, "you should exhaust all natural genetics before you resort to muscle enhancements". Dont sound like you understand either. Post your stats and do some homework. Use the search feature above. I suggest searching key words "diet", "training", "cycles".
    Last edited by LuvMyRoids; 12-15-2003 at 03:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LuvMyRoids
    Why in the world are u just using 25mg of dbol a day? And at 5'11 and 160lbs you are small. I see two wrongs here. One, you must have poor training techniques. Two, you are doing AS wrong! Dont take my critisizim wrong either. Im going straight to the point with you because I can tell by your post you have not done your homework. Stop the dbol now. Before we go any further I want to know your age, diet, supplements, training techniques, and god forbid what you got for a cycle. Dbol is not going to cut it. Follow these two rules my friend for lifting. "Its not how much you lift its how you lift it". Second, "you should exhaust all natural genetics before you resort to muscle enhancements". Dont sound like you understand either. Post your stats and do some homework. Use the search feature above. I suggest searching key words "diet", "training", "cycles".
    Im 18 and been liftin for 2 years. I eat about 3000-4000 calories a day now with about 200g of protein a day. I train as hard as possible doing about 4 sets of 4 exercises for each muscle group. I usually go mon-friday. My friends whos very experience actually said it would be a good idea to get some bulk by just taking dboll and ive done alot of research on it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by flex101
    Im 18 and been liftin for 2 years. I eat about 3000-4000 calories a day now with about 200g of protein a day. I train as hard as possible doing about 4 sets of 4 exercises for each muscle group. I usually go mon-friday. My friends whos very experience actually said it would be a good idea to get some bulk by just taking dboll and ive done alot of research on it

    I agree with what love my roids has said to a degree but certain questions have to be asked. I however disagree with what he has said about taking dbol on its own.

    This is your first cycle which he should bear in mind.

    Bear two things also in mind. Run the dbol for no longer than six weeks to avoid long term liver and kidney damage. Make sure you space the doses out over the course of the day due to the fact dbol only remains in the blood stream for 2.5hours approximately.

    I am running dbol myself and at present i am taking 30mg a day i take 2tabs first thing in the morning and space the rest of the doses out over the course of the day e.g. a tablet every two hours.

    And i have made gains in strength and body weight, my bench press has gone up 15kilos in three weeks e.g. from lifting 80kilos 8reps and 90kilos 1rep. I have gone to lifting 105 kilos 1 rep and 95kilos kilos 8reps.

    What are you doing as far as training your tricep muscles? One of the keys to a big bench press is strong triceps. I lifted 260lbs clean, and i blitzed my triceps every week and found this helped my triceps.

    If your training your chest and you want the best out of your bench press ensure you do your bench press first.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Ok listen.

    Taking d-bol alone is not a good idea. It will suppress your natural test production, and cause problems with your libido and sexual performance. I would highly recommend that you use some form of test with it. Dbol should not be used longer than 4-5 weeks more like 4 weeks speacially for a beginner unless you want your liver to drop. Its more of a kick start to the good stuff to kick in like enanthate or sustanon. Its meant to be stacked. Its not good for a beginner.

    I suggest a test like cyp, ent, sust. 1-10. For a beginning cycle. If sust then a half cc every 3days. Keep nolvadex on hand. Run this out. You should be fine with no PCT. If you do run dbol get some clomid. Keep the nolvadex on hand for gyno.

    Do some **** research and dont listen to the blind leading the blind please! Take this question down to the steroid question forum and be ready for what they have to say. Im not kidding.

    Oh, and dbol stays in the system up to 4 hours not 2.5 hours.
    Last edited by LuvMyRoids; 12-16-2003 at 10:14 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by flex101
    Hey guys i was wondering if you could give me some advise Ive been lifting for 2 and a half years and Im not a small kid at 5'11'' 160lbs and Ive never been able to get my bench press sets past 135 for some reason! Everything else goes up and my chest continues to get bigger but not stronger. I am on my seconds week of my first cycle using 25mg of dboll a day. If you have any bench increasing help Id appreciate it. Will the sauce help it?
    First of all, bro, let's look at your original question. You need to give us a better idea of your workout routine to see what or where you may be lacking. I used to be very weak on my bench press until I re-evaluated how I was training. I have no problems putting up a lot of weight now. Like was already said, it's the quality of the lift that counts, not the quantity of weight in most cases. Tell us about your chest/tri workouts and we'll go from there.

    As for the d-bol, yes it will give you a strength increase in the short term, but will cause more problems for you than it's worth in the long run. Listen to LMR when he says that you should have a testosterone base for any cycle you do. I have seen lots of bros, especially in Europe, who advocate d-bol only, or oral-only cycles for what ever reason. It seems to be a lot more popular over there than here in the US and Canada. While it is true you will gain strength and size from the d-bol, at the same time it is suppressing your natural testosterone production, does very little for long term gains, and can be hard on your liver, though I have not seen this proven indisputably. I won't even get into the issue of recovering your HPTA afterward. Also, without a solid muscle base developed over a few years of training, the immediate strength increase from the d-bol can cause serious injury, as only your muscles will get stronger, not your tendons, ligaments and bones. You can trust me on this one bro.

    I would suggest stopping the d-bol for the time being, and let's look at what you can do to get that bench up a little. You'll be SO much happier when you can do a proper cycle and get the full benefit from it.

    Welcome to AR bro. Stick around for a little while and see what you can learn from these bros. They really do know what they are talking about.


  7. #7
    Thanks for all the advise guys youve helped me a lot. I stopped the dbol and am looking for a sample cycle that is reasonably inexpensive that I can gain size and strength from. And by the way I do usually 5 exercises for chest starting with benchin then incline flyes and dips but I rotate the exercises. I also do five exercises for shoulders and triceps including compound and isolation movements.
    Anyway thanks for the help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Plane Hell ( No Wonder it feels hot )
    Welcome to AR

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