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Thread: cutting cycle question

  1. #1

    cutting cycle question

    i just finished putting on about 30 pounds with a deca dball cycle and in a few months im looking to do an effective cutting cycle before the summer. I was considering clen and ephedrine but a friend told me he got great results with winstrol depot. Im looking to get ripped and solid looking for the upcoming summer and im loking for any suggestions and which would be better to use clen or winstrol. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Swellin Guest
    Okay bro, take this one down to the steroid forum. There is a sticky on the top of this forum (the only sticky on this forum) that asks all steroid questions be placed in the steroid section...this is a forum for welcoming new members.

    As such, I recommend doing a bit of research before posting your question. There is another sticky somewhere about how to ask for advice on a cycle. Be prepared to catch a little heat on your previous cycle with no test.

    Welcome to AR!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Dang it swell no fair. I was busy in another forum!

    Welcome to AR flex. How come your name looks familiar? You from another board? Oh wait I remember I commented on another post you had.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    The question you are asking here is somewhat vague, and I would like to see more info on your stats before I can actually tell you how to run a proper cutting cycle. I will say this, ephedrine and clen are an awesome combo. Winstrol should be used in conjunction with another type of cycle such as test/deca/eq etc. Taking winstrol by itself is almost totally useless IMO. You won't get the results just running winny alone, hell if you are gonna do that just stick with the clen and ephedrine!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Welcome to AR bro

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