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Thread: Any Suggestions?

  1. #1

    Any Suggestions?

    Hey guys, I need some advice my source tells me it's ok to stack these 50mg Dianobol Tabs w/these 50mg winstrol tabs taking one of each a day. Of course splitting, especially the D-bol because of the half life. I have done one cyle before when i was 19 just straight sostenon 250.I just finished playing college football and im far from home so I have limited access and cash. Im aware that they are both 17aa but I have heard so many conflicting opinions.I would take milk thistle, ALA and drink plenty of cran juice.How hard on your liver is it? I weigh about 230 6 ft good genetics. I want to loose body fat and gain at least 10 pounds of muscle. How would you take these, what are your overall opinions? I wanna get ripped!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    holla town
    get test....
    imo dbol sucks..
    and the winny is only gonna make you brittle..
    id got with
    wk 1-10 test en. 500 mg
    wk 1-10 EQ 300mg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    wel since you want to get ripped I would say that the d-bol is a bad choice since you're going to hold water and bloat up. Another thing zI would like to mention which you already understand is that their both 17-aa and using them both would be very detrimental to your liver.

    If you looking to get ripped i would cycle prop, winny and tren. Very cheep cycle, low sides, great strength, low water retention.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    First off, welcome to AR, Second move this question to steroid questions if you want more bros to answer.
    Last edited by HILLBILLY; 02-15-2004 at 06:58 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    IMO 2 orals in one cycle isnt a good idea. welcome!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    DF is right 2 orals at same time really bad idea - second of all- abstrack is right Dbol will blaot you 3rd of all - Jimmyjames is right -reask this in steroid forum 4th and most important - Welcome to AR Bro - read, learn and enjoy

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    somewhere OUT there!!!
    Welcome to AR! If you can get your hands on some prop. stack prop with the winstrol. And if you take arimidex or nova, it should produce the results your looking for. Run Test prop ed for 10 wks in conjuction with win ed for 10 wks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    if you run prop or tren you should not need arimidex since they do not aromatize like enanth or cyp

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