Hi guys...I'm relatively new to AS as my only experience is with dbol and even then I only took it for like for 4 weeks at no more than 20mg per day...i gained quite a bit but lost all of it plus some; which brings me here to find out why that happened and what I should do to prevent it from happening again.
I have been on this site only for a day and have learnt so much. Everyone seems so friendly and gives genuine advice. If only I had come here before taking the dbol, but oh-well, better late than never as they say.
I am 6'1 and 185 pounds. Have been workin out on and off for a couple of years. Am looking to get back into it hardcore now. After reading all of the information on this site I have decided to do my first cycle consisting of the following:
weeks 1-12 - test enanthate 400mg per week
weeks 1 - 17 novaldex @ 20mg per day
weeks 14 - 17 clomid @ 300mg day 1 & days 2-11 @ 100mg per day & days 12-21 @ 50mg per day.
Well, I will be starting this cycle in a couple of weeks and will keep everyone posted on how it goes. If anyone has any suggestions or if anyone has done this cycle before and would like to share their results then I would be very gratefull. I wish everyone the best with their cycles and hope to learn alot more as time goes on.