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Thread: I Need Help!!!

  1. #1

    I Need Help!!!

    I need to talk with someone that has a lot of exsperence with steroids and can help me. I admit I am somewhat ignorant. I have a lot of gear but don’t know the right combo or quanity to use them. I took one cycle about 6 mo ago and went from 150 lbs to about 170 I used deca 400 and sust @ 500 a week for about 7 or 8 weeks. Now I’m a little over 155, I lost it all! I will list below what I have I would like it somone could make me a cycle and describe how it will work.

    Deca-Durabolin 200mg
    Primobolan 100mg
    Testoviron Depot 250mg (cyponate?)
    2ml Testex Elmu 250mg (?cyponate?)
    Sustanon 250mg
    Russian D-Bol 5mg tabs (white tabs)
    I also have the pink hex tabs.

    FYI I know someone in another country and He hooked me up. I am 6’1” and about 155 or 160 of pure muscle. I want to get big. What should I take and at what quantity. Someone has to be able to give me some good info i'm tired of weaving through the crap.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Welcome bro....First huge mistake I see is that you are not taking anything during your cycle to keep your body producing it's own is why you lost almost all of what you gained...When you went off cycle you crashed!! I myself use yohmbine at 10mg day and that does the trick or me...nuts never shrink durng cycle and no crash after. You can also buy yohimbine as an over the counter supplement(Yohimbe bark extract) You might get more and better ideas if you post this under steroid questions since most don't even view it here....hope this helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Welcome to AR!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    bigbear, welcome to AR. Im glad you came here.

    Normally, I would tell you to take this to the Steroid Question forum for proper attention. Im going to give you some much needed advice here.

    You really need to get your diet in order. At 6'1 and 155/160lbs that's skin and bones. Muscles dont come in a bottle Bigbear. That's your fist mistake. Diet and training is key. With out those two the steroids dont mean a thing. I know that's what you are thinking. You need to go to the Diet forum and begin asking how to put on weight at that size you are at. That is one of the reasons you lost your gains. You're not eating enough. You have to feed your body Bigbear.

    Second, you need to do some research on this board and find out how to put a cycle together and what each steroid does. Dont stick anything in your body you dont know what it is. Utilize the search button up top and type in each steroid you listed. I have very informational links in my signature below on PCT. Click on the links. Read, research, and learn. That's what you need to do. Education is key here also. Steroids is the last equation in the math of your gains Bigbear. You need to remember that.

    Lastly, for a novice cycle and what you need is test only cycles. Dont touch anything you have but the Testoviron and Testex Elmu. Testoviron is Enanthate a very nice single ester Test. Also, so is Testex. Testex is cypionate. Another single ester test. Because you did not know this. This is why you need to do research. You need to know what each of these drugs are.

    Do testoviron or Cypionate only at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. That is it, nothing else. Don't even mess around with Deca or the other dbol 17aa alkalated orals right now. Definitely stay away from Sustanon. In actuallity, it is a terrible drug for novice users.

    Also, get clomid and nolvadex from your source. This is another reason why you did not keep your gains. You need to learn what PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) is.

    Here is my recommendation for a cycle.

    1-10 Testoviron or Testex 500mg once a week only.
    PCT on hand. Clomid waiting for cycle recovery and nolvadex for side affects and recovery as well.

    After 10 weeks and PCT recovery. Come back and tell us your gains. Make sure you are ok and we will critique another cycle for you.

    This is my opinionated advice to you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbear812000
    I need to talk with someone that has a lot of exsperence with steroids and can help me. I admit I am somewhat ignorant. I have a lot of gear but don’t know the right combo or quanity to use them. I took one cycle about 6 mo ago and went from 150 lbs to about 170 I used deca 400 and sust @ 500 a week for about 7 or 8 weeks. Now I’m a little over 155, I lost it all! I will list below what I have I would like it somone could make me a cycle and describe how it will work.

    Deca-Durabolin 200mg
    Primobolan 100mg
    Testoviron Depot 250mg (cyponate?)
    2ml Testex Elmu 250mg (?cyponate?)
    Sustanon 250mg
    Russian D-Bol 5mg tabs (white tabs)
    I also have the pink hex tabs.

    FYI I know someone in another country and He hooked me up. I am 6’1” and about 155 or 160 of pure muscle. I want to get big. What should I take and at what quantity. Someone has to be able to give me some good info i'm tired of weaving through the crap.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbear812000
    I need to talk with someone that has a lot of exsperence with steroids and can help me. I admit I am somewhat ignorant. I have a lot of gear but don’t know the right combo or quanity to use them. I took one cycle about 6 mo ago and went from 150 lbs to about 170 I used deca 400 and sust @ 500 a week for about 7 or 8 weeks. Now I’m a little over 155, I lost it all! I will list below what I have I would like it somone could make me a cycle and describe how it will work.

    Deca-Durabolin 200mg
    Primobolan 100mg
    Testoviron Depot 250mg (cyponate?)
    2ml Testex Elmu 250mg (?cyponate?)
    Sustanon 250mg
    Russian D-Bol 5mg tabs (white tabs)
    I also have the pink hex tabs.

    FYI I know someone in another country and He hooked me up. I am 6’1” and about 155 or 160 of pure muscle. I want to get big. What should I take and at what quantity. Someone has to be able to give me some good info i'm tired of weaving through the crap.

    Do you sell gear on e-Bay?? I see this username on there all the time...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    welcome to AR Bro - read, learn and enjoy - LMR hooked you up with some good advice - heed it - he knows what he is talking about - best of luck

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