Well first off let me say welcome to Anabolic Review,
With that said let me tell you how things work around here from a new member perspective,
As a new member, you can go to the NEW MEMBERS board and announce yourself, although not required, it is a good idea so that the more experienced ppl here can say hi, and know that you are here and to look for any posts you may have, so that they can aid you with any and all questions.
Let's get things started off in the right direction for you, First you should get familiar with all the AS (Anabolic Steroids) that are available to you.You should also see the side affects that each one has, this is VERY IMPORTANT!
Here is a thread posted by ptbyjason, as an overall view of the most popular AS's in use, along with a explanation
Secondly you should get VERY familiar with ancciliries( Post Cycle Therapy, PCT for short) drugs such as Proviron(Pills), Nolvadex (Pills), Clomid (Pills and in Liquid form), Liquidex (liquid form), These are essential to any cycle you may be considering. I will not go into what each one does and why here, but it can be searched to why you need them and the effects they have.Below is a link from Pheedo (very well respected Moderator here)
This is probably the best advice i can give you, when looking at the steroid profiles, You will see that they say Deca Durabolin is considered the BEST AS to use for first timers. That is inaccurate as of todays standards. Yes it provides good gains, yes it has low side affects. It also will shut down your normal testosterone levels harder and faster then any other AS, ( with a few exceptions) Meaning, if you don't care about having sex or a hard on for the next 10 weeks, then by all means take it, But remember I WARNED YOU!!!
Almost all Testosterone ( TEST ) products are best for running your first cycle. Depends on your needs and your experience,therefore will depend on the dosages, But for a good overall dose you can use anywhere from 300-500mg a week. For the first time user please DO NOT post proposed cycles with any kind of ORAL STEROID. Oral steroids are the worst thing you can do, If you can't handle a needle then leave now and DO NOT RETURN, AS use is not for you.
So, while searching, Pay particular attention to Test E, Test Cyp. Test prop is there also but not advisable for the first timer user IMO( In My Opinion).
Many New ppl to the AS world want to go with as much as they can for the first time, I among everyone here will agree, that is a NO NO!!! Keep your first cycle simple, why? Well for one, it is your first time. Why go out and spend 500 dollars on it, to only find out 5 weeks down the road you hate it never wanna do it again, and you are going to stop your cycle. You have
waisted your money, and secondly everyone reacts to AS differently, what Joe did caused acne and depression, whereas John, he never saw one bad thing. AS REACTS DIFFERENTLY TO EVERYONE in one way or another.
This site is FILLED to the brim with a vast amount of knowledge, experience, use it wisely. I know when i first got here i was gung ho on what i wanted to do, but wanted to keep it safe, I searched and searched, thought i had found the perfect cycle for a beginner, When i approached the board with it, i found that it was wrong.
I know that it can get confusing with all the technical terms and all the different cycles that can be done. But remember. You must first know your body,then you can determine what is best for you. No one else can do that for you, they can only give you blinded advice.
When going to the boards with a question it is wise to state your training experience, Age, any previous AS ( gear ) use. Some say they want the weight, height. but IMO i feel it is not important, nor is your bodyfat% ( BF%). Again that is just my opinion. I would strongly suggest that you state what type of outcome are you wanting, A bulking cycle will require different diet and AS's then a Cutting Cycle( getting ripped). Depending on your bodybuilding experience and physique, will depend on what type of cycle you should be on, and of course your goals.
Diet, is probably the biggest factor concerning gains and AS use, I would suggest that you search for any and all post from SwoleCat, he is IMO the best to consult on your diet. I could go on and on about Diet, but i hope that you have it already, I am assuming i am not talking to idiots here.
Use the search function to find SWOLECAT's replies and/or posts.
If you have the chance, which i truly hope you do, find BASK8KASE, he is excellent source for info, his threads are out of this world, easy for the new guy
1.) Learn everything about the steroids that are out there
2.) Probably the most important one of all, Learn all there is to PCT. It is the most important element to AS use.
3.) Without a proper Diet you will see nothing as far as gains and then wonder why you are not seeing anything.
4.) Do some research, there are many experienced ppl here that get very tired of trying to do all the leg work( so to speak) for you, please. This is a very important thing for you to do.
AS's are dangerous, no one can tell you what you should or shouldn't do, they can only advise the RIGHT way to do it, in the end it will be up to you. Please use the knowledge you get here for good !
Some threads to check out
http://anabolicreview.com/vbulletin/...=Oral+Steroids Posted by DocHoliday
http://anabolicreview.com/vbulletin/...ad.php?t=70591 Posted by Ron( Mod)
http://anabolicreview.com/vbulletin/...ad.php?t=53457 Posted by Iron4Life79( Mod)
http://anabolicreview.com/vbulletin/...ad.php?t=75352 Posted by Harvey Balboner
http://anabolicreview.com/vbulletin/...ad.php?t=59413 Posted by PTbyjason.
I hope this helps you all out, again this is from my perspective, Be kind, Be adament in what you want, but don't fail to look at all possiblities, tunnel vision will ruin the outcome and also your body. Listen to everyone here..
Thanks to Iron4life, BASK8KACE, for all your info and the posts that helped me get to this..Of course this is not a complete list of all those that helped.
AS use is not the answer it is only a carrier, It will not make you stronger tomorrow if yesterday you took some, Hard work and dedication to all aspects of BB'ing will prevail and you will be rewarded with the goals that you have set..
The best of luck to all you New Members