I think this should be a good movie.
I think this should be a good movie.
Howard Stern want's you to send me a check for $1000 too. It better be in the mail tomorrow.
I dont want to watch it because as an american now-a-days I want to be controlled and not look into things for myself, I think I should never question the president because he is perfect and I am not to be making my own decisions therefore I will not explore all angles of any issue I will do as the republican party dictates. YEAH RIGHT! I cant wait to see that **** movie, just gotta watch out for those mind controlling fuks wanting to slash my tires while Im inside because i think for myself.
Alright Mulder.Originally Posted by bitta
Do you really think that seeing a Moore movie implies that you are "thinking for yourself"? You're just thinking about the angle that he wants you to think about........not much "free thinking" in that. Moore is no better at reporting the "truth" than al jezzera. I'll give him one thing; he's just good at sensationalism.
I'm not sure if I'll see the new Moore movie, I didn't particularly enjoy BfC.
Last edited by ntwrk; 06-22-2004 at 02:29 PM.
I thought BFC wa informative. I knew what happend but *$*$ , I didnt really know that people where really that FVKED up out there, i guess thats just a different world n all. who get a free AK when you open a checking account.
LOL, another fine example that propaganda works! They gave out hunting rifles not AK's. No ammo on site either.Originally Posted by AnabolicRick
Well people who live their lives based on a radio dj dont really have much of an opinion.
Such as voting for Kerry based on what H Stern says.
Originally Posted by bermich
Now that's a good point!
BfC was full of half truths and misleading info. I don't mind Michael Moore making a movie, but don't try and let people believe it's a documentary. One example in BfC, MM used some quote (can't remember the EXACT number) of some 11,000 + gun deaths in American. Problem was, that number also included suicides. So yeah, it's a death by gun, but it's hardly some violent murder or other assault. Things like that make me question him.
o.k so I will go into the bank with a pocket full of ammo and load up right there.Originally Posted by MMC78
I'm not a Moore fan but I think it is funny that Ole' G.W. Bush tried to get the movie squashed......
It opens this Friday and STILL is not rated yet....Hmmmm wonder why......
They gave it an R rating. They tried to get PG-13 but the ratings people denied them, based on language. WTF? The association refused to allow Moore's lawyers into the hearing when they appealed for a PG-13 rating.
ya'll gotta agree that what the FCC is doing to howard is absolutly horrible though. fine for nuclear truck spill=400,000$ fine for for saying "nipples" =3 million wtf??
I do think MM is definatly biased, I just watch with amusement, along with howard listen with amusement. Jeezus christ, I dont take it seriously.
MM is such a **** bag, can't stand that guy going around making millions off of telling half truths and lies about how bad america is, if he doesn't like it here then get the **** out
I agree, i think michael moore is the poison of this country. The sorry ass liberal belongs in Iraq with the rest of the anti-americans.
do you mean the prison gaurds at abu gharif?Originally Posted by KingDingaling
Yeah, I agree!! We need everyone to be a bunch of drones who never question anything. Just get in line you bastards and march along like everyone else!! Sig heil!!Originally Posted by KingDingaling
this is a awesome anit MM thread, i thought i was gonna be the only one to bash him to the gomers who like him and think hes good for anything cept the downfall of a open minded society. hes trash, why cant all the serial killers take out larda$$es like him and the other losers who fill TV with propaganda that tards buy and come pitch here.... HS stern should be shot to....
Just to clarify... you want an open minded society, but you want serial killers to take out anyone that has a view in opposition to yours?Originally Posted by decadbal
I think this movie will be interesting. Most of you hardcore Republican-only guys are way to quick to bash someone who has different views than you do. I'm not saying Moore is a bastion of truth or a non-biased filmmaker but why do his views bother you guys so much?
no, i want them to end the ppl who spit mindless propoganda that young influencible idiots will buy, and then preach bc they cant make up their own mind. my views arnt always right, and i dont usually spread them on here or anywhere else, bc they are mine, when you make a movie about something only you and a few other extremists view, then perhaps you need to be delt with by those who can see the big picture....Originally Posted by bad_man
as for an open minded society, anyone with any type of education at all, knows thats impossible. with the powers of corporations and the class system we are always in and cant move out of, you will always have inequality of ppl. now its some with race, but thats the petty part on petty ppl, ppl need to realize the class system in the US and world isnt on skin, its placed upon income, and when yours inst high, then thats where you are on the food chain..
OK, so what should we do with Rush Limbaugh? Bill O'Reilly? Fox News?Originally Posted by decadbal
I'm not saying I love Michael Moore or that I'm a liberal (or conservative for that matter), but why does this bother you so much? First, he has a right to express his opinions in any medium he likes. Second, do you think that these "influencible idiots" are going to wander in a movie theatre by mistake to see the movie or are liberal going to kidnap them and make them watch it?
I see this as nothing but healthy debate over very serious issues. The question I ask (as chicamahomico did) is, instead of engaging in the debate and presenting your own view of the facts, WHY ARE YOU RIGHT-WINGERS SO INTENT ON SHUTTING DOWN A MAN'S FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS?
eaxactly bad man. . the great thing about this country is that ppl like Moors can have a movie like that. . and yes why the hell does bush want to stop howerd stern? b/c Jesus is next to him in the oval office making all the decsions. no stem cell research? thats just ridiculous!!!
A class system based on something you can change and exhibit complete control over (income) isn't really a class system.
Originally Posted by decadbal
Im sorry but have you seen the movie that was released after you made this post? Untill you see it, it probably isnt wise to speculate as to what it is. I love how all the conservitives are flipping out and havent even seen the **** movie! I guees I can assume all republicans believe in censorship b/c they are actually trying to ban the movie!!!! I know we invaded a couple islamic countries recently but does that mean now we have to act as if sadamm runs this country, no freedoms ie, speech, assembly etc? I guess only if it suits the right wingers.Originally Posted by decadbal
yeah seriously. . if you want censership then just break out the confederate flag and get the "live free or die" tat on you neck
saw the movie and man is dubya silly! shame me...wait...fool..wait...shame me once fool...shame on you...what...fool on me. I liked when he was laughing and trying hard to stop before he announced that we where going into Iraqastan to get saddama bin laden. We had no reason for this, If you think you know about the reasons we went into Iraq I challenge anyone to go see the footage for themselves, but you know what? closed minded controlled people will never go see the movie.
clocks in heaven
A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.
He asked, "What are all those clocks?" St. Peter answered,
"Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."
"Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?"
"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie." "Incredible," said the man.
"And whose clock is that one?"
St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock.
The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told
only two lies in his entire life."
"Where's John Kerry's clock?" asked the man.
"Kerry's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan!
That's funny........... the last time i saw it on the internet.. was when Clinton was in office...........![]()
Originally Posted by NoobJuice
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
thats true too, there is a god and he has clocks that tally lies. In fact he was wondering how to fit all of dubya's lies on Big Ben but realized that there is not enough time in the world or in heaven......"he's got weapons of mass destruction, he's got em" just a little lie, of course this one took my best friend from me when he was sent there to find these weapons, and never did, thanks dubya!
Well, I dont listen to Rush very often, but Fox News at least 90% of the time is equal to both sides. i.e. "hannity and colmes", Bill has guests come on his show that he lets say what they want to say, explain what they think.. before he blows their explanation out of the water by either proving it to be either irrational or false. Fox News is in NO WAY one sided.Originally Posted by bad_man
Agreed.Originally Posted by hulk1732
*laughs* he speaks the truth.Originally Posted by NoobJuice
I am behind George W. Bush 100%
michael moore is a punkass liberal communist bitch and i would love to cave his face in!![]()
stern stinks
very intelligent. sounds like a quote from dubya!! thats what is wrong w/ dubya and his supporters, angry, insecure, can't think rationally and ready for war all the time.Originally Posted by craneboy
Ready for war all the time, like when there are terrorists ready to fly a plane into a building with your family in it? The war on terror is EXACTLY what we should be doing.Originally Posted by bitta
i heard that the movie is all about conspiracy theorys. i read that moore says bush had all the bin ladens flown out of country but then somone actually testefied it wasnt bush it was some security guy or something. whatever sorry if that was confusing, i think im going to download the movie. dodgeball is the only thing worth my $10
THEN LETS GO GET OSAMA BIN LADEN! why the hell are we in Iraq? you tell me how Iraq figured in to sept 11th? you cant,bush cant, and nobody can. why did we have more troops deployed to Iraq then Afghanastan? why did we spend so much manpower on finding sadam and not Bin laden? all of his reasons for going into iraq have held no weight.Originally Posted by xfade7
imagine this:
America gets taken over by a dictator, you are starving, people being murdered for no reason, women raped.. even children killed. Everyone is suffering. Another country, wants to come in, get rid of the dictator, and want to set up a government where you and your people no longer suffer. Would you be mad at this?
Getting rid of saddam was the main reason to go in, after this was done we set are making peace in the country and setting up to be self-sufficient. Hussein has many connections to terrorist groups, from him maybe we can find bin laden
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