Originally Posted by
yeah, in fact, she could be sued by arnie for telling you that. There are things called HIPPA regualtions.
Anyway, of course arnold didnt regret steroids.....neihther would n e 1 if they helped you attain prestigious bodybuilding championships, landing huge roles in huge movies, and becoming governer(and maybe even president). Not that steroids are ONLY to thank for that, but arnold was larger than life, that's why he was special. Bottom line: Being big and ripped makes you special. Everyone loves you, they wanna be around you, they wanna look at you, you are a specimen of superior homosapien. Add charisma, and you have a very powerful person. Having muscles opens up doors you would never have otherwise. its not shaollow, it's the truth. Building ones body is such a worthwhile endeavor. With it comes confidence, more sexual opportunity, better health, and respect from others. Bodybuilding is a woderful thing. And if someone wants to use compounds to in responsable manner to achive goals for themselves, there is no shame in it.
i love weights, and i love steroids. Who wouldn't?