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Thread: bush is a prick

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance

    bush is a prick

    Sorry guys but this is better off gone!
    Last edited by Big Al; 10-18-2001 at 05:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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  3. #3
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  4. #4
    ptbyjason Guest
    Sorry man, but I'm not letting the pics stay up. I am an American, and Bush is my president. You are entitled to your opinion, but the pictures were pointless. I, like most most of the people on this board, support the air strikes on Bin Laden and the TALIBAN. The strikes are not on afganistan. Over 5,000 people died in America on September 11. That is more than how many were killed in the Pearl Harbor attack.

    i thaught your inocent until proven guilty i dont remeber bin laden admiting to bombing the twin towers. also even if he was behind it he didnt actually do anything him self.
    Come on man. Ok, fine. Technically speaking, Bush isn't bombing Afghanistan, our military is. So why are you going off on him? It's the same thing. Bin Ladan is the leader, just as Bush is the US's leader.

    I'm being fair about this by letting your post stay up no matter how much it pissed me off. You are entitled to your opinion. Man, you have been on this board for a while now, and I am shocked that you have these opinions. I shouldn't even be involved in this discussion, but you brought it up and I couldn't let it go without putting in my 2 cents.

  5. #5
    CYCLEON Guest
    and they already have killed about 300 innocent people in afganistan
    how do you know that? - I know, not have heard it in the news, but know, a lot more about this than you and am close to the players in this game - Osama left no doubt in his last TV statement. And there are several in his group and we will jsut say "neighboring countries" that knew about this and were involved but havent come to light yet because its politically not good to do so yet. SO SHUT UP WHAT YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT!

    btw - that bush sr. and clinton made a hideously stupid error in leaving Afganistan to swing for the last 10 yrs and dint pump some cash in there is inargauble tho and inexcusable - we are payning theprice for their error now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    First off, you picked a bad time to give an anti-American speech. You tried to come off as intelligent but all I'm hearing is a bunch of ignorant crap.


    1. "hes picking on afganistan." Actually, its called retaliation, and its against a country that harbours the mastermind of the murders of thousands of people.

    2. "so why are they still fighting them." That doesn't even deserve a response.

    3. "to me bush is a pussy who picks on weaker countrys." A pussy is a person that kills innocent people in the name of Islam. Civilian deaths in Afghanistan are not planned, the WTC attack was planned to kill mass amounts of civilians.

    4. "everyone thinks hes already guilty through media hype." Is that what it is??? Or maybe its the fact that the hijackers were known associates of bin Laden!!!

    Come back when you've got a better defense. Until then I don't want to hear your pro-terrorist views.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: bush is a prick

    Originally posted by physio_sport
    and they already have killed about 300 innocent people in afganistan.
    As opposed to the 4000 guilty people that were killed in the WTC??

    I also find your moral outrage surprising considering you have a picture of a gun as your avatar...maybe you should spend more time at "Firearms review".


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bush is doing a fine job... would you rather have had Gore as your come on. Physio_sport, what do you have against the United States?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ok not everyone is going to agree with what the US are doing but before you slag off Bush you need to realise that Blair and the UK has backed this decision 100% and have been involved in the action.

    Nobody wants to see innocent life lost its an awful waste and killing innocent Afganistans is not right.These tragedys have happened through mistakes and where never intentional.If we were out to kill them why would we offer them first aid and food

    If a plane crashed into the WTC flown by a Afganistan and was an accident the US would have looked at it like that but it was,nt .If it comes to a ground attack many lifes will be lost but a line has to be drawn somewhere and the US has done that.

    We should respect that decision whether you believe the bombing is correct or not.If terrorism is not stamped out where would it end?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Fuck him Billy....he's a 19 year old punk who thinks he has the world by the balls because he sticks needles in ass, takes Kung Fu and likes guns and fighting!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    OH lawd, man I can't believe this post. Bush is handling this situation great I think. Hell I would've went over there and wiped their azzes out. I agree with Pete, we lost 5000 innocent lives, these people had nothing to do with the terrists attacks, but they were killed. So why is it not far to fight fire with fire? I dont' think I need to voice my opinion here, most everyone I think feels the same way I do. I am tired of being angry and what Bush is doing is justified in my mind, in fact, I think he is being to nice to those people. But again, I have those Italian gens runnin thru my veins, and that doesn't count. haaaaaa..
    I say go get em Bush..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Here is a tough one.

    What would Jesus do?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I dunno take them out for a KFC?

  14. #14
    Mike Guest
    Oh boy.....

    Alright - I am going to try VERY hard to be nice and diplomatic here but it's taking self control......I had someone just PM me and see if their comments were appropriate or not because they knew that had reacted in anger. Well here's how I figure it....

    Number one - you're 19 - whatever you think you know about world politics, you're wrong. And you will be wrong for a few more years.

    Number two - you picked probably the most sensitive time in American history (spare a potentially comparable time with Kennedy's death and Pearl Harbor, though I STILL think this is a new level) and you decided to pick on the president of this country who is doing what he can to keep sanity in the hearts of our citizens.

    Before going on - I will have you know something first. I am NOT a republican - I refuse to make this a political discussion since you, as I stated already, don't know the first thing about politics and I dont want to get into it. But I am a democrat and even that aside, I don't like Bush a whole lot. There are definitely some flaws we could pick apart. BUT his actions right now are NOT one of them. Bush, like it or not, is our saving grace right now. He may not be the best president but right now he is serving as a deacon of faith for millions of Americans who have been severely hurt (not physically mind you) and I think his presence and actions thus far have been not only appropriate, but much needed and long awaited. (I have to remind you again - I say ALL this being someone who voted democratic last election and was VERY against Bush's coming into office)

    Third - I feel it VERY insensitive for you to make the comments you did being a citizen of the UK and of an age where you couldnt possibly be in position to empathize with what is truly going on.
    I am not saying that people in other countries cannot feel what is truly going on here - I just think you proved to me that you are too far removed or have your head too far up your ass to really see what's happening.

    Fourth - DONT state statistics that you make up - THAT is "media hype" Planes crashing into buildings and people dying of anthrax....that's NOT "media hype" as you like to put it. A weak defense for Bin Laden's innocence if you ask me. DON'T make such a controversial claim unless you have done the work necessary to back it up with something credible. And by credible I mean MY country's authorites having traced these actions to Bin Laden. THAT isnot media hype - THAT is years of research. It wasn't an impulsive accusation we're going on. We have been following Bin Laden for years but being 19 you may not even remember when this all REALLY started - because it wasn't on September 11th.

    So the point being.....I was asked to review someone's post and make sure what they said was appropriate. Well personally, I think if you want to make a post as you did - you deserve every comment that comes back to you - I don't care if they are a mod or member. I saw your post when it first went up. I stayed FAR away from it - I didn't delete it because I felt you had a right to state your views - no matter how uneducated. But that means that ion have a right to hear EVERYONE else's. So whoever wants to flame has every right.

    Oh yeah......and being someone born and raised in what I feel is the most incredible country ever created and lived - I was VERY offended by your remarks. I took the recent events pretty personally - in fact i think it was hard for an American not to. They attacked everything we stood for, everything we are and everything we hoped to become as a country. They attacked humanity as a whole and civilization on a global level. They attacked ME. The trade towers just happened to get in the way. It's been 5wks since that happened and I can honestly tell you I haven't spent a day where I had the luxury of not thinking about those events and what is to come. Something to keep in've asked me for help on this board inthe past. PMed me and personally asked for help.....think twice about doing that again.

    ( much for diplomatic...)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Unbelievable post, Mike.

    It just goes to show you...even though I am a Republican and was very glad Bush was elected our President, I agree with everything you said.

    I, of course, cannot reply to the original post without using some choice words so this is all i can say to you p_s...

    What happens here, stays here

  16. #16
    ptbyjason Guest
    Mike that was very well said. I did my best to control myself when I replied. I clicked on it 3 or 4 times and then I couldn't help but reply. But I was nice, as was everyone else here. I'm proud of everyone.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by ptbyjason
    But I was nice, as was everyone else here. I'm proud of everyone.
    Jay....I guess you missed my 2nd post.


  18. #18
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    To just lighten things up can I say something?....Can you feel the love in here?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The Big Easy
    That was awesome mike. I just made 20 so im not much older than pyscho sport. Therefore im not to act as if i know alot about
    the way this nation works. but.... no matter your age...... use some fucking common since ! What would you like us to do , roll over and accept the fact that thousands of americans were killed and just let it go and hope it doesnt happen again. The talibon asked for everything they're getting and more......

    peace out

  20. #20
    ptbyjason Guest
    Leave it to Pete to prove me wrong. LOL That's ok, he really deserved it.

    Maybe I just don't bother reading your posts Pete, you ever think of that?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Jay...the thought never crossed my mind


  22. #22
    Mike Guest
    Dont worry Jay - it seems there are about 5500 posts of yours I have never seen myself

    Hey Superman -

    I dont want you to be offended - It's not about age - he isn't ignorant and insensitive ONLY because he is 19, I know that it's possible to understand a bunch more than he does at that age - he just gives ya'll a bad name

  23. #23
    ptbyjason Guest
    Don't know what you are talking about. 5500??

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance
    i didnt say ive got anything against america infact i actually like it and want to visit it. but what i said is, the move that its made isnt a good one.
    has anyone read the post "the question we await" by superman
    hes speaking about the death of all Arabs if my post is deleated then so should that.
    Last edited by physio_sport; 10-18-2001 at 04:33 PM.

  25. #25
    Mike Guest
    Fair enough. I didn't read that post - if it offended you I apologize. I have deleted it.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    Hey bottom line is until you walk a mile in your neighbors're opinion really should be kept to yourself. It's all about respect. If it's going to offend then best left alone.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    I'm glad that the post was removed. Some people might say that message boards are for free speech and I agree, as long as the diarrhea is filtered out.

  28. #28
    I agree with what Dumbells said. If you acually have an opinion about something then put yourself in their shoes for a moment and go through all os the aspects of what they are going through you can come up with why they feel that way. So before you post something like that again be considerate of other peoples feelings. What you said was very hurtful to all Americans. Not only to Americans but to all people that actually have a heart. You don't know what we are actually going through until you live over here in the USA. There is not a day I wake up and wonder what will happen today, how many more new anthrax cases will come about, what are the families of the victoms going through, are they going to be alright? So next time you post your opinion, think about what you say before you say it. If I was a moderator I would perminatly band you from this forum. That my opinion, I thought about before I said, sounded good so i said it. Now see how easy that was!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    OK I NEED TO CALM DOWN.......Physio_sport> you make me sick! I can't believe your gonna come in here and basically disrespect all Americans! WTF are you thinking?!?! You need to take your immature prepubescent opionions somewhere else man you just lost all respect from me and I'm sure from others as well. I consider your remarks a stab in the back. And now I don't see a diference between you and them. I can't fucking believe this? What the fuck are you thinking>>>grow the fuck up!!!

    Sorry MODS and eveyone for blowing up but this shit is TRASH!



  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    new york
    Originally posted by physio_sport
    i didnt say ive got anything against america infact i actually like it and want to visit it. but what i said is, the move that its made isnt a good one.
    has anyone read the post "the question we await" by superman
    hes speaking about the death of all Arabs if my post is deleated then so should that.
    i'd think twice about coming to visit the US if i was you. But if you do decide to come to this great country of ours, make sure to stop by NY on your trip. Post the dates youll be here and i'm sure a few of us would love to meet up with you!!!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    wow...what a post!! shame some people spend their lives in the dark though.

    primo... republican... LMFAO!!! i would have neevr guessed in a million yrs!!

    shhhhh me too.... well...independent actually but with regards to most issue.... i swing to ----->.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    ever heard of the dancing jews.

  33. #33
    I really am not concerned with how the statement I am about to make impacts any one persons life. That is the entire logic behind the 1st amend. But here it goes...

    We seem to all share the same thoughts (after all what is the name of this forum?), but do we realize we may have been tricked into dreams of psuedo-freedom and the general premise that the US is the land of the free. The land of opportunity?

    If we are "Free", why does everything these days seem to be moral issues and pure attempts at an old theory "legislation of morality" ... remember it?

    Freedom (true Freedom) should be without bounds and based on the simple fact that no one man can or should be able to control anothers thoughts or actions. I am not completely insane so I do believe that murder/rape is wrong ... but if you need that taught to you, we have real issues as a humans.

    Last but most importantly - The land of opportunity is nearing its end (The New Roman Empire Has Arrived), and freedom is in very limited supply ... but who needs land when we have cyperspace.

    Wait - Watch ... anymore pushes from the US government and i would not be suprised to see a whole new world of real life pirates --- now imagine that!

    I believe in this life time we are going to see a dramatic change, no way our fathers and grandfathers will tell us who we can and can not be, they screwed up so bad the younger generation (I am mid 20's) will be void for SS, and health care is a joke - right?

    I wish all of you the best, and if you decide to hate me becuase i may have mispelled a word (and there by judge me as stupid) ... feel Free to. But try to feel Free!

    Just try!

  34. #34
    I do love America, just not the current infrastructure, why is it that Bush gave himself a raise? 250K wasnt enough - He needed 400K, correct me if I am wrong but he was born into money? Who do you think pays that bill for his raise? Why is it that congressional leaders are not subject to taxation?

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    ummm.......might want to get your facts right at least - Clinton gave Bush that raise when he was in office, knowing that it would go to the next president - and frankly 425K is not much for the most powerfull position on earth, to visably age 10-15 years in the last 3.

    Freedom is not free - it costs people their lives to give you the comfort of yours. Freedom is also not lawlessness, for that is slavery to the strongest - freedom is simply the ability to choose the laws you will abide and this we have to a degree though a representative government - and I will bet that you are not so active in working for that area in spite of your yearning for free air

    and lest you think your utopian efforts would work out - there are always be wolves who prey on sheep - if there are no shepherds, the sheep will all be eaten - no matter how they bleet about equalite' and liberte'

    we all blame the police for controlled deliveries - but see how long you would last if all of a sudden the police dissapeared - see how long it would take for your idealistic rosy scenario of the wonderfull brotherhood of men and women to turn into ravaging mobs - actually only a few days at best - I have lived it and been there when they happened.

    No different than this board - it is hardly free - we censor many things and people complain - but if we did not do so AR woudl quickly decend into a mob - it is humorous but sad that some of the same members that are gentlemen and helpful on this board become whole new persons on another with no such restrictions as we have, spewing forth venom that you would never expected was there and poisoning all who hear it - and they are always welomc to go to Elite Fitness where there are very few laws and such poisons are free for all and you are wecome to head to some wonderful place like the Sudan - where the law is whatever you and your gun make it to be - mmmmm.........smell the freedom? smells just like gunpowder

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Sunny Side of Dreams
    **** CYC you couldn't have said it any better.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Va Beach
    Good post Cyc!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    d1e7el and psysyo_sport I really didn't want to flame here because I love this site and I don't want to get in trouble but I think you both a bunch of dumb **** morons and the is the nicest thing I could say.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, MA
    I do to after banning ephedra..

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    the O city
    bush, hes a puppet.

    the real one behide are UNSEEN.

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