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Thread: I have a question about all religon in the world.

  1. #1

    I have a question about all religon in the world.

    Respect now.
    I know this is Not the politicaland religon forum But!!
    no stupid attacks now!
    And I am not out to get some one in the spot light and make this human to a ridicule`s one!!!

    If you whant to say a stupid thing now.
    Run out on the balcony , garden and say that shit ther but not in this room pleas, I know ther is fraction bettwen you all!!.

    I dont care now if you are a jew,muslim,jihova,satanist,Christian,Budda or what ever.!!

    ************************************************** ********
    How dos it feel to worship a god every day?.
    It`s a second Jobb!
    ************************************************** ********
    How dos it feel to have the constant fear that IF you do a thing that maby is rong in a accident or you do somthing that is rong in the religon.

    What to do then?
    How dos it feel to have the fear that You can "End Up"
    In the dark place after life ore what ever the You special religon say?

    How dos it feel to feel that you are hunted day and night or that the "eye" are beholding youre life ?
    when to feel that you can hold out and take a deep breath and be good enough for you self in the eternal religon untill the day you heart stopp in older days!!???
    ************************************************** ********

    Serious NOW!
    for example : As the Jihova!
    Thay have the fear of the dark thay say!.

    Nasty Movie can call and give rise to dark evil Demons.
    Things that Human do can give provoke to evil Demons.

    How is it to be in a War and have a religon with the 10 message In the Bibel or In other religons!

    Let me know.
    I am curious.
    Life is hard and every thing in Life have a examination in good and evil and in guilt.

    With frendly freatnings.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A fair question, but unfortunately there is never a simple answer when it comes to faith.

    Every religion on the planet without exception believes without question or doubt that it is the one true religion. Now having said that, we must conclude that if indeed only one is true that means all others are false.

    Now lets consider the sheer numbers of the faithful, we know there are over a billion Muslims, probably somewhere close to that number of Christians, and maybe 40 or so million Jews, then there are Buddhists, Atheists and so on.

    How can it be that so many, if not all of those who believe are wrong, yet believe so completely.

    So the point here is that Faith is enough to keep the darkness at bay, and hold what we all see as truth.
    I myself am not a religious man, but respect the traditions of my people enough to pass them on to my children.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    A fair question, but unfortunately there is never a simple answer when it comes to faith.

    Every religion on the planet without exception believes without question or doubt that it is the one true religion. Now having said that, we must conclude that if indeed only one is true that means all others are false.

    Now lets consider the sheer numbers of the faithful, we know there are over a billion Muslims, probably somewhere close to that number of Christians, and maybe 40 or so million Jews, then there are Buddhists, Atheists and so on.

    How can it be that so many, if not all of those who believe are wrong, yet believe so completely.

    So the point here is that Faith is enough to keep the darkness at bay, and hold what we all see as truth.
    I myself am not a religious man, but respect the traditions of my people enough to pass them on to my children.
    Very well put!

  4. #4
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    yes..religion, very touchy fact...i am born into a catholic family being mexican, but yet dont have the pressure for myself to really want to learn, nor do i want the worry...i believe you live good, raise your kids good, and know right from wrong, ill be ok.

    im an agnostic if you will (very interesting, i would love to hear anyones thoughts on an agnostic..)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    yes..religion, very touchy fact...i am born into a catholic family being mexican, but yet dont have the pressure for myself to really want to learn, nor do i want the worry...i believe you live good, raise your kids good, and know right from wrong, ill be ok.

    im an agnostic if you will (very interesting, i would love to hear anyones thoughts on an agnostic..)
    I am agnostic as well. It burns my ass that most people associate agnositicism with atheism.

    Agnostics do believe in a higher power, but we believe that we cannot fathom at this point what god or the afterlife is, so we do not try. Knowing that you know nothing is the beginning of knowing everything!

    I truly believe all organized religions have their pros and cons, but many of the popular religions today are very misguided and doing a lot of harm to the world, simply because of manmade alterations to the basic messages behind these religions. The more agnostics we have, the better off the world would be! Imagine if Israel and Lebanon were filled with agnostics!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    I am agnostic as well. It burns my ass that most people associate agnositicism with atheism.

    Agnostics do believe in a higher power, but we believe that we cannot fathom at this point what god or the afterlife is, so we do not try. Knowing that you know nothing is the beginning of knowing everything!

    I truly believe all organized religions have their pros and cons, but many of the popular religions today are very misguided and doing a lot of harm to the world, simply because of manmade alterations to the basic messages behind these religions. The more agnostics we have, the better off the world would be! Imagine if Israel and Lebanon were filled with agnostics!

    YA DOESNT IT??? THAT REALLY PISSSES ME OFF... i was with my buddy helpin out at a youth center, and these people were pestering me...i said hey man, i dont deny the fact its all true, but i cant reason with it...plz let me be

    and he said SATAN!!!!! hahahah

    but besides that yes, its actually been better not discussing it, because i CANT, and yes, the world is constantly fightin over whos right, BUT WHO IS RIGHT??????? NO ONE KNOWS!!!!

    for all i know, cannibals can be in the right....shit we dont know for shur...keep the peace for your peace...

  7. #7
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    I am not myself into any religion, I guess I would classify myself as somewhere between an agnostic and an atheist. I find it perhaps hard to understand that there isn't something or someone on a higher plane of existence than us, ie. God or whatever you want to call it. I do, however, feel convinced if that "something" does exist, it is very far from anything described by the religions.
    I was brought up in a way that taught me to respect the things other people believe in. As I myself have matured, I have actually strayed somewhat from that line of thought.
    I do find it somewhat a feeble excuse and a way to throw away a large part of the responsibility over peoples own lives. I do realize that there is a lot you cannot control yourself, but even so, saying that your daughter died from cancer was Gods will, or it is part of a greater plan that millions die from starvation is just beyond what I am willing to accept as logic, even if I am not "godly" enough to understand the reason behind these things.
    Even if I would, as many do, blindly close my eyes to the world around me, the words of Epicures still ring true in my ears:

    "The gods can either take away evil from the world and will not, or, being willing to do so, cannot; or they neither can nor will, or lastly, they are both able and willing.

    If they have the will to remove evil and cannot, then they are not omnipotent. If they can, but will not, than they are not benevolent.

    If they are neither able nor willing, then they are neither omnipotent nor benevolent.

    Lastly, if they are both able and willing to annihilate evil, how does it exist?"

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    I am agnostic as well. It burns my ass that most people associate agnositicism with atheism.

    Agnostics do believe in a higher power, but we believe that we cannot fathom at this point what god or the afterlife is, so we do not try. Knowing that you know nothing is the beginning of knowing everything!

    I truly believe all organized religions have their pros and cons, but many of the popular religions today are very misguided and doing a lot of harm to the world, simply because of manmade alterations to the basic messages behind these religions. The more agnostics we have, the better off the world would be! Imagine if Israel and Lebanon were filled with agnostics!
    I am with you 100% bro... I am an Agnostic as well. Religion is the reason for 88% of the worlds problems. What a waste of effort !!!

  9. #9
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    ok.... MY BUDDY A BAPTIST, real cool guy, was interested in my and yours take on this, so i showed him our post,

    and he wanted you all to take the time to read this...he very smart dude, open to us and thought our post were good shit...

    Thanks man. You make some good points and I actually agree with almost all of it. Knowing that you know nothing is the beginning of knowing everything. Very true. I also agree with the fact that most organized religions do the world harm.(but not all) So here's my take on it. I believe that there is a God who created the world. I believe that because of man's choice to sin, we were all condemed to hell because we sinned.(it's our fault not God's) I believe that to allow us all the opportunity to avoid hell...(which was not created for people by the way, the bible clearly tells us it was actually created for satan and his angels. so the next time people wonder why God sends people to hell, tell them he doesn't. we send ourselves by rejecting him) ...God sent His son Jesus to die for our sins, taking on all the sins of the world and paying the sacrifice with himself to cover our asses so we wouldn't have too(cause that would be impossible cause we never stop sinning, we pretty much suck). Therefore giving hope and the choice to accept Christ and receive eternal life. Pretty simple so far and nothing crazy. The problem I see is not that people don't believe in God, or even that there is atheism or agnosticism, it's that 'religious' people seem to push their religion on other people, therefore condemning them if rejected. But based on what i believe, Jesus did not do this. Jesus' message was one of love, in that he didn't point the finger at sinners. (he actually calls out the 'religious' ones, those who forced their religion on others, also known as pharicees) He ate with sinners, and talked with them. Much like you and i are talking about our different beliefs right now, Jesus simply related to people. He didn't force it down anyones throats, He just talked; had conversation. So I don't think the problem is that the world has religion, I think the problem is that no one loves like Jesus did. Everyone wants to be right, but there is only one truth. Whether or not it's christianity is not the point, the point is that we just have to start loving people that are hurting. And based on the christian's beliefs as well as the agnostic's, we all believe there is a God, and based on all definitions of that God from either side, it is that God who controls, and guides, as well as gives true hope and meaning. So on the contrary, I believe the more agnostics we have, the more we are without hope. We then become a people lost with no real direction or purpouse.

    I think that to say there is a God, and not search for it and to not learn about it is too convenient. I will never know certain things about my God until i reside in heaven with Him, but to say that we know nothing is not true. God so often simply reveals himself in nature, like that bad ass lightning storm we had tonight. It's so obvious that he exists in that. And to me, I want to know the God that created it all, and that's why he sent Jesus. We know Jesus really existed, we know He lived, So why is it so hard for some of us to grasp the idea that we can accept Jesus and the free gift of salvation? But it only becomes clear in love. The second we turn to arguement, we lose sight of our faith. It then stops making sense. I would encourage you to read a couple of things. And if you find some good stuff on agnosticism, let me know. Read C.S. Lewis' stuff. The man was an amazing christian, but not the kind you and i know. He constantly questioned who God was and what christianity truly meant, if you want some eye openers, read his stuff. Second, whether you believe the stuff inside or not, read the bible. Correct me if i'm wrong, but to stand firm in a belief without first learning about that belief is called ignorance. I'm not saying you are cause it applies to me too. But before we put our foot down, let's truly know what it is we are defending. So C.S. Lewis, and the Bible. And it will help if you don't read the bible with the goal of not being converted, that's not the point of the bible. Just read it for what it is. I would recommend starting with 1 John. If you don't have one i will get you one, but it will shine light, i believe, on the fact that you don't know God due to agnosticism. Does that make sense? let me know what you think of all this. thanks again man.

    think about this:

    A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
    C.S. Lewis
    Last edited by boxingbean; 07-26-2006 at 07:07 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    I am with you 100% bro... I am an Agnostic as well. Religion is the reason for 88% of the worlds problems. What a waste of effort !!!

    Its a small % of people who twist faith for something bad. Religion in general is a good thing.

  11. #11
    It is very intressting to read what you all are saying.


    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    So on the contrary, I believe the more agnostics we have, the more we are without hope. We then become a people lost with no real direction or purpouse.

    Now we have that phenomenon Agen!!.

    Word`s that make people in Fear or in respect of the future.

    Is that a form of a glue?
    the fear in the word`s of glue in front of the Club/klan/brotherhood/religon
    -: Walk the way of divine and ("you"she"him")
    and you will be saved?.

    when to feel harmony.
    When to feel that you are good enough as you are?

    I am not criticize enybody.
    I am just very thoughtful about the beliver in the center and how this human must feel alot of regret in fron of the prestige to god or what is the rigth way.
    Last edited by The OutLord; 07-26-2006 at 06:54 AM.

  12. #12
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    Outlord ,do you take that as a Critisizm remark?? its an opinion, but how did you feel that he feels regret??? he did say I BELIEVE....did you read the whole message?? or just see that BOLD words..?

    he is very interested in agnostics, and would love to get and him debate alot, and it always ends in insight for us both...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by sofus99
    I am not myself into any religion, I guess I would classify myself as somewhere between an agnostic and an atheist. I find it perhaps hard to understand that there isn't something or someone on a higher plane of existence than us, ie. God or whatever you want to call it. I do, however, feel convinced if that "something" does exist, it is very far from anything described by the religions.
    I was brought up in a way that taught me to respect the things other people believe in. As I myself have matured, I have actually strayed somewhat from that line of thought.
    I do find it somewhat a feeble excuse and a way to throw away a large part of the responsibility over peoples own lives. I do realize that there is a lot you cannot control yourself, but even so, saying that your daughter died from cancer was Gods will, or it is part of a greater plan that millions die from starvation is just beyond what I am willing to accept as logic, even if I am not "godly" enough to understand the reason behind these things.
    Even if I would, as many do, blindly close my eyes to the world around me, the words of Epicures still ring true in my ears:

    "The gods can either take away evil from the world and will not, or, being willing to do so, cannot; or they neither can nor will, or lastly, they are both able and willing.

    If they have the will to remove evil and cannot, then they are not omnipotent. If they can, but will not, than they are not benevolent.

    If they are neither able nor willing, then they are neither omnipotent nor benevolent.

    Lastly, if they are both able and willing to annihilate evil, how does it exist?"

    good point, sorry i missed it earlier...!

  14. #14
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    Scotty, beam me up
    In my oppinion god was invented to explain things we could not explain. But with science evolving we dont need that anymore.

    I am agnostic. i.e I dont belive in god but I dont refute the possibility.

    I dont belive in the supernatural. In the sense that everything that happens is part of nature and can be explaind.
    Its not the same as saying I dont belive in ghost or souls for instance. But its saying that if there is ghost and souls we will be able to examine and explain them by science. Same with god/gods. If there is a god he isnt supernatural, he is as much part of nature as you and me and can be examine by scientific methods.

  15. #15
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    also, when it comes to these questions, or debates...i have many questions, they are the reason i cannot dig into religeon, an ignorant tactic if you will...and often look down as, as an atheist, which i am now, like i said, i am an agnostic......actually beleive it takes the stress of religen debates away....but it is good to read some of it b4 you the knowlege b4 you do the wisdom, or is propaganda...correct me if im wrong. the ?s are:

    SO, in your opinion, would saying a young child, very NAIVE, (not ignorant) grown up into a satanic religeon, such as cannabalism, who believe more then just eating the flesh of others to succumb to their "at one" or peace withe eachother, but im just scratching that surface..but, anyways, am i to assume to automatically believe they are WRONG??? how about something lighter then that, just someone born into a family who does things NO one approves of, say witchcraft, or atheism, and cannot help what they were born into, are they WRONG? or unimformed?? they cant be unimformed if they have no way to be informed...? can they? and then, how about a man, who feels another man is goin to murder or rape his wife/child, and shoots or kills the man who MAY just be bluffing and is looking for insight,,or help..that also goes as well for people fighting in our war today, but am i to assume they are wrong?? and y?? they cant be saved if fear of losing their loved one does the life taking for them..can they?? and if i tried to talk to a sinner, and that sinner sinned on me, or my family, n i had to commit a sin to save them, is it still a sin.???
    Last edited by boxingbean; 07-26-2006 at 07:09 AM.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    Outlord ,do you take that as a Critisizm remark?? its an opinion, but how did you feel that he feels regret??? he did say I BELIEVE....did you read the whole message?? or just see that BOLD words..?

    he is very interested in agnostics, and would love to get and him debate alot, and it always ends in insight for us both...

    Aha my fault.
    No it dident take that as a Critisizm remark.

    But the similar message is in the sermonys around the world.
    Ther is alot of this message and it come in a different and discreet shape.

    When I mention to say."I am not Critisizs is just becouas This is a very sensitive subject"

    Becouas I understand how close the question lie to go over the line and it can very easy arise to a humiliateing of the religon and to a love a human have to a religon.!

    And To attack is not my point.

    I just whant to know my question.
    Last edited by The OutLord; 07-26-2006 at 07:21 AM.

  17. #17
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    ahhh, i would say not a form of glue

    remember, there many religeous people like my buddy who do not force his beliefs on others, instead discusses both beliefts, he is my age, and id rather speak with him then someone older, who would look down on me and just be aggravating ...

    anyways, the glue, thats a good anology, a large % of religeous people do use it as a tool to force "conversion" or religeons on eachother....then they would sort of be on the line of...wait...a religeous fanatic maybe????????

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    In my oppinion god was invented to explain things we could not explain. But with science evolving we dont need that anymore.

    I am agnostic. i.e I dont belive in god but I dont refute the possibility.

    I dont belive in the supernatural. In the sense that everything that happens is part of nature and can be explaind.
    Its not the same as saying I dont belive in ghost or souls for instance. But its saying that if there is ghost and souls we will be able to examine and explain them by science. Same with god/gods. If there is a god he isnt supernatural, he is as much part of nature as you and me and can be examine by scientific methods.

    Thanks for that analysis professor grimm.

  19. #19
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Thanks for that analysis professor grimm.
    well its true we no longer belive in lightning gods, sun gods or rain gods.

    We just have a few gods left that might be explained away in a few centuries.

    When we can explain the creation of the universe there wont be any more need for any god.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    well its true we no longer belive in lightning gods, sun gods or rain gods.

    We just have a few gods left that might be explained away in a few centuries.

    When we can explain the creation of the universe there wont be any more need for any god.
    Naked and Embarrassing trespassing truth.

    Can you introduce you imagination what will happend if you say to a Wiking that Thor and Vallhala and the Sun is not a well and this do not exist for
    3000 years ago.
    Very pain full death i can say!! that is what I can call hard life.

    If you lose the face ore the honour in front for the god:s ther was One way to get it back.
    A nife in the stomach.
    And then attach the 9 meter intestine and walk around a stone untill the death meet you.
    Very bizarre...!!

    If I dont mistake total this ceremony must take place on a stonehage.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    well its true we no longer belive in lightning gods, sun gods or rain gods.

    We just have a few gods left that might be explained away in a few centuries.

    When we can explain the creation of the universe there wont be any more need for any god.

    Yet another hypothesis professor?

    I'm not going to try to change your mind. I don't believe religion is something you can be spoon fed.

  23. #23
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Yet another hypothesis professor?

    I'm not going to try to change your mind. I don't believe religion is something you can be spoon fed.
    you know it

    Im not opposed to religion though. Almost all religions seems to have a good and peacefull message. What I object to is the nutcases twisting that into just another reason for violence.

    I think the world is a much more remarkable place if there is no god though.
    I dont need a god to marvel over how incredible everything is. I think things become even more incredible when they become explained. Some people might want mysteries to remain mysteries but I think its alot more exciting to find explanations to those mysteries.

  24. #24
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    You should all read a book titled "The History of God". It examines the history and people behind all 3 major monotheistic religions (Judaism, Islam, and Christianity). it is a very eye opening experience, as well as very liberating for the modern day agnostic!

    Easy read, packed with great info and details.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Its a small % of people who twist faith for something bad. Religion in general is a good thing.
    Religion is irrelevent, the faith of the people is a good thing. To say that I must offer worship to God, and use my life to please him is laughable at best. Most modern day scriptures are pure blaspheme, it's between the lines of all the nonsense that God exists.

    I doubt we, a speck on the infinite sands of the universe, can insult God if we eat meat on fridays or have sex before we're married

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    Religion is irrelevent, the faith of the people is a good thing. To say that I must offer worship to God, and use my life to please him is laughable at best. Most modern day scriptures are pure blaspheme, it's between the lines of all the nonsense that God exists.

    I doubt we, a speck on the infinite sands of the universe, can insult God if we eat meat on fridays or have sex before we're married

    Wow, your wise in the ways of god.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Wow, your wise in the ways of god.
    Philosophy of God and God are two different things. Don't get salty...

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    Philosophy of God and God are two different things. Don't get salty...

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    In my oppinion god was invented to explain things we could not explain. But with science evolving we dont need that anymore.

    I am agnostic. i.e I dont belive in god but I dont refute the possibility.

    I dont belive in the supernatural. In the sense that everything that happens is part of nature and can be explaind.
    Its not the same as saying I dont belive in ghost or souls for instance. But its saying that if there is ghost and souls we will be able to examine and explain them by science. Same with god/gods. If there is a god he isnt supernatural, he is as much part of nature as you and me and can be examine by scientific methods.
    Can a man become part of something he created? If I build a house can I be a wall or if I build an engine can I be a crankshaft? The only way someone who creates something can be a part of it is if they literally put themselves into it. I could be framed into a wall, but it would require killing me. You could stuff me in an engine but again, you would have to kill me. But God did come to earth in the form of a man and guess what, he had to be killed.

  30. #30
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by stik
    Can a man become part of something he created? If I build a house can I be a wall or if I build an engine can I be a crankshaft? The only way someone who creates something can be a part of it is if they literally put themselves into it. I could be framed into a wall, but it would require killing me. You could stuff me in an engine but again, you would have to kill me. But God did come to earth in the form of a man and guess what, he had to be killed.
    Well if god can make himself known to man he isnt supernatural. Because all our senses are fully natural and everything they pic up is natural. So if there is a god and he can comunicate with us than he is part of nature.

    Im more inclined to belive the universe is infinitly old aswell so that would remove the creation "problem" and make any god a part of the universe..

  31. #31
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    Interesting question-
    It seems to me that if you consider worship a job, then you may be doing it for the wrong reasons. A next door neighbor moved in a few months ago. When we first met he spoke of religion. Then each time we met the conversations became more intense. He aksed too many questions about my religion and wanted to compare.

    I could be completely wrong, but I had the feeling this guy had done something terrible in his life and to repent decided to devote the rest of his life to religion. I couldnt help to think that this guy was then trying to get everyone to do what he was doing. The thing is I never did anything so bad that I feel I have to devote my entire waking being to make sure God is not mad at me.

    This story may be far from your question, but I looked at the way he lives with religion and it reminded me of the way you speak of religeon. It may not be due to past actions, but rather your surroundings. I think that religion means many things for many people on many different levels. I think that if worshiping any God seems like a job, then maybe that God knows you feel that way and will not bring you what you desire. If you are not happy worshiping, it seems that you are doing it for the sake of the people around you and not for your God.

    I am not trying to mix words and I may have missed your point, but I just wonder if any God really cares that you go through the motions if you consider it all to be a hassle.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des
    Interesting question-
    It seems to me that if you consider worship a job, then you may be doing it for the wrong reasons.
    I understand.
    But it is still some form of a Life-style and that Is what I wondering about.
    The call/The commission/a job somthing in clothes In Gold for you self and you own soul and thoughts!!.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des
    A next door neighbor moved in a few months ago. When we first met he spoke of religion. Then each time we met the conversations became more intense. He aksed too many questions about my religion and wanted to compare.

    I could be completely wrong, but I had the feeling this guy had done something terrible in his life and to repent decided to devote the rest of his life to religion. I couldnt help to think that this guy was then trying to get everyone to do what he was doing. The thing is I never did anything so bad that I feel I have to devote my entire waking being to make sure God is not mad at me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des
    This story may be far from your question, but I looked at the way he lives with religion and it reminded me of the way you speak of religeon. It may not be due to past actions, but rather your surroundings. I think that religion means many things for many people on many different levels. I think that if worshiping any God seems like a job, then maybe that God knows you feel that way and will not bring you what you desire. If you are not happy worshiping, it seems that you are doing it for the sake of the people around you and not for your God.
    I understand.
    A worshiping is for my selfan d not just becouas everybody say this is the rigth way and you must do this!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des
    I am not trying to mix words and I may have missed your point, but I just wonder if any God really cares that you go through the motions if you consider it all to be a hassle.
    do`s a gods care if I know ore Not?
    I feel that much of religon bettwen each other is in much hassle.
    Why is it so importent to worshiping to the rigth god?.

    well! I wonder.. In this "importent" to worshiping to the rigth god I wonder what god:s as Thor "The old Skandinavian Wiking Religon (ASA belief / faith of Vallhalla)" what thay are thinking becouas thay are alone today?.
    I am sure maby ther is a hand full people that is in still worshiping them.

    I am wondering about the fear of their own religon.
    Can god:s punish people?
    As the Vallhalla beliver was abandon them and convert to Christianity.
    That must be fear to!!.
    To abandon somthing safe to somthing new!!
    And how to know the new belief is safe and is the rigth way!.

    Ther is alot of people that laugh a Mormoner and so one and one!!
    But thay dont care!!
    When to feel their own religon is threaten of other religons!

    How to know a life is the rigth way in the humans minde that this is the truth
    and dare to defy to the rigth way!!.

    Religon Is a life stille clear as daylight in some form.


    But no we come to -: what is fear in religon?
    A suicide bomber!!
    do this people have fear!

    Dos a priest have fear in front of god?
    How do he know!
    The holy books is only in the End a piece of papper!.
    How do he know.
    Is his fear in the hand of the massa in the peoples story under all of the year?
    And fear in all things bettwen all of the all of the all religons!
    What is the rigth way in religon!
    Is feels lika i can pic enyone start to be "Team worship & Co"
    What in fear say.. this is the rigth way and maby it is not the rigth way eny way!!

    What is fear In religon!
    And this is a very personal question to ask you self and reflect you self in my question about fear in you own will religon in what is the rigth way.
    If every body dont know ther is chaos ??
    With frendly greatnings.
    Last edited by The OutLord; 07-27-2006 at 07:41 AM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Well if god can make himself known to man he isnt supernatural. Because all our senses are fully natural and everything they pic up is natural. So if there is a god and he can comunicate with us than he is part of nature.

    Im more inclined to belive the universe is infinitly old aswell so that would remove the creation "problem" and make any god a part of the universe..
    But if God is creator of the natural laws then he could obviously invade them if he chose to. And a higher intelligence can always "invade" the lower.
    I can get down on the floor and act like a dog with my dog whenever I feel like it, but I doubt my dog will ever help me balance my checkbook. Or I could be a genius and flunk a test on purpose, but a fool can't pass an advanced IQ test no matter how hard he tries. It seems to me the "Higher" can always "invade" or "take on" the lower at will.

  34. #34
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    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by stik
    But if God is creator of the natural laws then he could obviously invade them if he chose to. And a higher intelligence can always "invade" the lower.
    I can get down on the floor and act like a dog with my dog whenever I feel like it, but I doubt my dog will ever help me balance my checkbook. Or I could be a genius and flunk a test on purpose, but a fool can't pass an advanced IQ test no matter how hard he tries. It seems to me the "Higher" can always "invade" or "take on" the lower at will.
    well Im not willing to assume that if there is a god he neccesarly must have created the laws of nature. If the universe is infinite it has no creator and a god might just be a part of the universe.

    Assuming omnipotency and all that jive are pretty big asumptions in my mind. Especialy since I dont care what the holy books claim.

  35. #35
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    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Well if god can make himself known to man he isnt supernatural. Because all our senses are fully natural and everything they pic up is natural. So if there is a god and he can comunicate with us than he is part of nature.

    Im more inclined to belive the universe is infinitly old aswell so that would remove the creation "problem" and make any god a part of the universe..

    If I'm not mistaken, the brain actually is aware of much much much more than it processes at one time, so in essence your brain is experiencing things that you are not consciously aware of...

    Not to get metaphysical again, but what if these things include experiences outside our senses?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Hey Johan, that little clip of Van Damme is f**king funny. I can't stop lookin at it!

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    If I'm not mistaken, the brain actually is aware of much much much more than it processes at one time, so in essence your brain is experiencing things that you are not consciously aware of...

    Not to get metaphysical again, but what if these things include experiences outside our senses?
    well thats a big if Il hold on a oppinion on that until the brain is fully explored

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