I'm sorry but I'm fucking pissed!!
The appeals court ruled that the pledge of allegiance has been declared unconstitutional because of the words "under god." This is getting fucking ridiculous. Just cuz some cock sucker brought a suit up cuz he doesn't like it, now they might be changing a tradition that we have all grown up with.
When did the minority have more rights than the majority? It's just another example of these fucking liberal judges and there stupid rulings. I hope they take everyone of these peoples paychecks and burn them cuz our money has the same words on it...'In god we trust."
I'm not religious and this really isn't about religion, it's more about the judicial system butting their heads in when it doesn't belong. Our country is turning into a fucking joke. All of this political correctness is getting out of control. First no Santa Claus then no Christmas Carols is schools, what the hell is going on?