Should dodge ball be taken out of our school PE classes?
Should dodge ball be taken out of our school PE classes?
i dont think so,
It hurt a bit but we survived it =)
hell every single thing i did as a child seemed to hurt or make me bleed. heh
I was master of dodge ball!!
It owns!
I know here in the great state of Texas the idea of Recess in the public school system is almost a forgone conclusion. Because of the injury liability.![]()
peace and happy lifting![]()
Fuck no!! Dodge ball was the shit... i loved burning people, but getting burned sucked major ass
Sorry to say this, but if you can't handle dodge ball, then sit on the bleachers because your a BIG PUSSY.
Originally posted by BigMike J
Fuck no!! Dodge ball was the shit... i loved burning people, but getting burned sucked major ass
Sorry to say this, but if you can't handle dodge ball, then sit on the bleachers because your a BIG PUSSY.
haha exactly if you cant stand the heat then get outta the kitchen..... dodge ball was by far the best thing in P.E
You must be an ex-wrestler "vision quest" good flick.
Actually ,i preferred jacks or hopscotch..j/k dodge ball kicked major ass
I really didn't like dodgeball because I was the skinny and frail kid. But, at least I got my vengeance...
I didnt mind dodge ball .... I like to be the first hit so I could bean others in the head! ....
hell no. I grew up playin dodge ball, it was the shi*. Id still like to play...hmm maybe i should start a league!!
I am king of dodge ball! end of story!
IF I start the ADL (American Dodgeball Leguae) Anyone want to play? lol
I miss that game. I was the tactful player - layed back til mid game and then stalked the best players on the other team - picking them off one by one.
dood ill join your league. never had a strategy myself, only threw as hard as I could as fast as i could![]()
maybe these fat ass little chunkers will get of their playstaion lazy asses and get some fucking exercise!!fat kids disgust me and should be reapeated pummeled w/ a dodge ball if not worse!kids are such lazy fucks today, just like their fat ass parents!!dodge ball forever!!!
I get tired of all these pansy ass, nancy boy, soccer mom, fucking liberals! They whine about this, and whine about that! GETTING RID OF DODGE BALL! Thats all I lived for when I was young. All day long in middle school thats all I thought about. PARTYBOYNYC is right! We need to promote dodge ball! The United States is getting too fucking fat and its the parents faults for not making there kids pry there meaty fucking, grease crusted fingers from the gameboys, and playstations! Also, the nerve these tub-o-lards have to try and sue McDonalds for making them this way!! OMG I AM GONNA EXPLODE HERE!! WHHHYYYYY?!?!?! They need to be beat severly about the head with concrete blocks! I can't believe what this country has become. Too many pussies in this world!! THANKS BILL CLINTON!!! GODDAMMIT I NEED A SPLIFF!!
Oh and thanks for letting me rant!
Ditto mammoths elloquent rant!![]()
Amen to that.Originally posted by JasonNew-b
Ditto mammoths elloquent rant!![]()
Dodge ball is for pussys. We played butts up. You take a tennis ball and throw it aginst the wall the other guys try to catch it. If you drop it thats one butt. Get 3 you have to face the wall and everyone throws the ball at you as hard as they can. Let me tell you those little tennis balls sting like hell.
I loved that game. asses up was the bomb. it was like dodgeball for you and a couple of friends. no need to have 50 kids present for this one.
Hell yeah, getting stung in the small of the back with those red balls.....damn!
did you ever play with those small red balls? they are a little bigger than a softball and bros....lemme tell you....those things fly friggin fast. My friends and I used to pelt each other in the heads with em...ya dumb but fun in the end!!
Bored and read this so i thought id post it back to the i remember dodge was fat kids revenge. I'd bean the shit outta the bastards that f'ed with me the rest of the time....I'd start playin it right now if i could.... Man Ron that games not called ass's up its called wall ball, and you only got one miss and you had to stand facing out with your face covered and hands over your balls. Either that or spread eagle the back of the knee hurt like a bitch.Originally Posted by RON
ok boys dodge ball kicks ace. I still play dodge ball with my buddies on the weekends but, we put a twist on things. its now ultimate dodge ball" prison style "we set up tables all over the court and we play with big heavy hard balls. head shots are 10 points, chest are 5 and limbs are 2. if the opposing team catches the ball all there members are back in and you must freeze for 10 secs and you are open for being pegged this truly is a bad ass game i got 6 stitches above my eye, my friend got a concussion, and my other friend broke his pinkie
last time i played i won our nj dodge ball bad ass aword
Dodge ball was the most fun I ever had during recess
Im sure it will be banned. Kids have to wear helmtes while riding bicycles now. I never wore a helmet rding a bike.
PRetty soon kids are gonna have to be sent to school in BUBBLE WRAP
Dodge ball was the greatest thing ever!!!! OK...When and where are we starting this "Leguae".
I know, right? What ever happen to the good ole days when everything at the playground was made of some sort of steel with sharp pointy edges? Everything now is plastic and round and bubbly. Remember the old jungle gyms? Just a bunch of one inch pipes welded together? If you slipped on that sucker you knew it! Or going down the metal slide after it had been baking in the sun for about 5 hours with shorts on. And of course the all time favorite merry-go-round all the kids holding on for dear life while your uncle or dad spun that sucker at like 4 G's? Ahh those were the daysOriginally Posted by bermich
Whats all the controversy over Dodgeball.............they're not considering banning it are they?............whats the world comming to?
Im surprised Berm. you didnt say it was the most fun I ever had trying to hit fat chicks...bwa ha ha ha....How about this, next there going to band sex...oh wait isnt oral sex illegal in the state of florida if Im correct?Originally Posted by bermich
Dude then your breaking the LawOriginally Posted by talon
I bet when your in prison and have that "im a professional BJ'er" around your neck you'll regret every indecent act you performed probably over 100x's in the past weeks.
Dodge Ball sucked for me, I was about 60-70 pounds overweight in high school LOL
It was more like hit the fat kid at my school... sounds fun right? NOT WHEN YOUR THE FAT KID ahhaha
Originally Posted by caturpilar
LMAO. I remember they had that merry go round at a drive in. Oh my god. At the age of 4, that thing spun so damn fast you really couldnt hold on with the g forces but if you flew off your turn was over and you couldnt get back on til everyone flew off. And when you did fly off, damn you got scraped all to hell when you hit the ground rolling.
Dodge ball kicked ass. One rule: No head shots. If you got hit in the face you got to stay in the game. I guess that was the only good thing about getting hit in the face.
This "asses up" thing has to be about the gayest thing I've ever heard. Did you take turns spanking eachother afterward?
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