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Thread: Georgia Group Seeks Ban of Marijuana-Flavored Candy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Georgia Group Seeks Ban of Marijuana-Flavored Candy

    Georgia Group Seeks Ban of Marijuana-Flavored Candy
    Nov. 13, 2006
    MARIETTA, Ga. — A group of residents plans to ask county commissioners Tuesday to ban the sale of marijuana-flavored candy in Cobb County.

    Christine Able, executive director of the Osborne Prevention Task Force, said she is concerned the candy encourages children to use drugs.

    Companies who sell the candies say the lollipops, gum drops and other treats are geared toward adults and that they advise retailers to sell the candy only to people 18 and older.

    Corona, Calif.-based Chronic Candy uses marijuana-related slogans in its marketing and claims "every lick is like taking a hit." Its hemp-flavored candy is packaged with images of bright green marijuana leaves.

    The Web site for Chronic Candy acknowledges using "hemp essential oil" in its products, but maintains that the oil is not illegal.

    "One of our goals is to reduce the interaction youths have with drugs," Able said. "[Chronic Candy] is considered a gateway product. It's opening the door to wanting to try the product for real."

    Able said the task force plans to plead its case to the board during Tuesday's public comment period at the commission meeting. The task force will present a petition with 500 signatures that calls for the removal of Chronic Candy and similar products from stores in Cobb County.

    Cobb County Commission Chairman Sam Olens said the county could draft an ordinance to address the candy, but it could lead to a lawsuit by candy vendors or the manufacturer.

    "We have the ability to enact ordinances, but the question is whether or not a particular ordinance would be legal," Olens said.

    Olens compared the debate over the candy to movements in other cities to ban certain kinds of fat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Because weed is so bad and kills so many people! Oh' no! Can't let the kids taste that chronic! Holy hell. They aren't even talking about "gateway drugs" anymore. Now it's gateway candy. What's next? Gateway fragrances?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    ive smoked a ton in my life. and ive also eaten weed brownies,however im done with that part of my life....... can someone tell me what it tastes like tho? doesnt have a taste! whether its the skankiest rag weed or some real good shyt it doesnt have that distinct of a taste! more of a consistency thing then anything!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Because weed is so bad and kills so many people! Oh' no! Can't let the kids taste that chronic! Holy hell. They aren't even talking about "gateway drugs" anymore. Now it's gateway candy. What's next? Gateway fragrances?
    They say that 77% of kids who sniff aerosols got started by sniffing adhesive tape. I'm surprised they don't want to ban Scotch tape . . .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    alchohol is bad. period.
    Last edited by rafael; 11-13-2006 at 06:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    guys despite rec drugs being mentioned as part of a news story it is not ok to then talk about using them. please edit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    on a side note I supplement with hemp oil for its *****s.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    There we go... yet another small group of people trying to tell others how to live their lives, what to eat or whatever...

    If you don't want pot flavored candy, DON'T BUY IT! If you don't want your kids to buy it, DO YOUR JOB AS A PARENT... don't try and get the state to do it for you.

    Now personally I would never buy that crap... it must taste AWEFULL!


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