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Thread: Netanyahu: It's 1938 and Iran is Germany; Ahmadinejad is preparing another Holocaust

  1. #1
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    Netanyahu: It's 1938 and Iran is Germany; Ahmadinejad is preparing another Holocaust

    Netanyahu: It's 1938 and Iran is Germany; Ahmadinejad is preparing another Holocaust
    Nov.14, 2006
    LOS ANGELES - Drawing a direct analogy between Iran and Nazi Germany, Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu asserted Monday that the Iranian nuclear program posed a threat not only to Israel, but to the entire western world. There was "still time," however, to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons, he said.

    "It's 1938 and Iran is Germany. And Iran is racing to arm itself with atomic bombs," Netanyahu told delegates to the annual United Jewish Communities General Assembly, repeating the line several times, like a chorus, during his address. "Believe him and stop him," the opposition leader said of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "This is what we must do. Everything else pales before this."

    While the Iranian president "denies the Holocaust," Netanyahu said, "he is preparing another Holocaust for the Jewish state."

    Speaking on Army Radio on Tuesday, Netanyahu hinted that Israel possesses the military capabilities necessary for curbing by itself the Iranian nuclear threat, declining to specify what these entail.

    The Likud chairman said "I don't want to analyze the capability required to eliminate [the Iranian] threat, but this capability exists," when told by host Razi Barkai that Israel lacks the ability to eliminate Tehran's nuclear program by military means.

    "This capability is eroded over time, and if we wait years then obviously this capability would not exist anymore ... but right now I disagree with the claim that nothing can be done against Iran," he added.

    When asked if Bush could afford embarking on another "military adventure" after Iraq, Netanyahu said acting on the Iranian nuclear program would not be adventurous but necessary.

    "... Israel would certainly be the first stop on Iran's tour of destruction, but at the planned production rate of 25 nuclear bombs a year ... [the arsenal] will be directed against 'the big Satan,' the U.S., and the 'moderate Satan,' Europe," Netanyahu said.

    "Iran is developing ballistic missiles that would reach America, and now they prepare missiles with an adequate range to cover the whole of Europe," he added.

    "No one cared"
    Criticizing the international community in his GA speech for not acting more forcefully in trying to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power - "No one cared then and no one seems to care now," he said, again drawing on the Nazi parallel - Netanyahu warned that Tehran's nuclear and missile program "goes way beyond the destruction of Israel - it is directed to achieve world-wide range. It's a global program in the service of a mad ideology."

    Large sections of the international community, he said, also misunderstood the nature of radical Islam and its role in the Mideast conflict. "What happens in Iran affects what happens in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, not the other way round," he said.

    Netanyahu said he believed that Iran could still be stopped from acquiring nuclear weapons. "There is still time. All ways must be considered. We can't let this thing happen," he said, but did not outline specific measures he thought should be taken.

    Referring to Israel's preemptive strike in the 1967 War, he did say that stopping Iran required "preemptive leadership. Preemption requires will and vision."

    "Noone will defend the Jews if the Jews don't defend themselves," he said to loud applause. "Iran's nuclear ambitions have to be stopped."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    [B]"Noone will defend the Jews if the Jews don't defend themselves," he said to loud applause. "Iran's nuclear ambitions have to be stopped."
    Truer words have never been spoken, a nuclear Iran would make the Holocaust seem like a sesame-street sing along. I would support any and all action to take out the Iranian threat to the Jewish nation and the world.

  3. #3
    just the usual fear mongering. Netanyahu knows it's not under theat from Iran (particular because it nuclear deterant and it's alliance with the US)and using it to advance his political goals. Again if Iran is as anti-jew as he says it is, there wouldn't be any jews left in Iran.

  4. #4
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    The Wasteland
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Truer words have never been spoken, a nuclear Iran would make the Holocaust seem like a sesame-street sing along. I would support any and all action to take out the Iranian threat to the Jewish nation and the world.
    Netnyahoo!! is a complete nut, and so are you!! You have no idea how crazy this man is. Holohoax Holohoax Holohoax!!! More dead Jews!! To bad we couldn't find the ashes from the first 6,000,000. But we do know that Trotsky and the Bolsheviks murdered 25,000,000 Russians.......So maybe were even????

  5. #5
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I dont se how rethoric alone can warrant comparing Iran today to germany pre ww2. Ahmadinejad might be as wacko as Hitler, but he sure doesnt command the most technologicaly advanced armed forces in the world.

    Im also curious to se where Netanyahu gets his info that iran is planning to build 25 nukes a year. If he did have reliable info enough to show with 100% certanity that Iran have a wmd program he should make it public and the world would support him.

    But without proof this is just even more baseless warmongering speculations.

    The moment Iran does something stupid it will be redcued to a radioactive shit stain.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I dont se how rethoric alone can warrant comparing Iran today to germany pre ww2. Ahmadinejad might be as wacko as Hitler, but he sure doesnt command the most technologicaly advanced armed forces in the world. Hitler did not have nuclear capability within his grasps...

    Im also curious to se where Netanyahu gets his info that iran is planning to build 25 nukes a year. If he did have reliable info enough to show with 100% certanity that Iran have a wmd program he should make it public and the world would support him.Bullshit!But without proof this is just even more baseless warmongering speculations.

    The moment Iran does something stupid it will be redcued to a radioactive shit stain.
    Come on, Johan.

  7. #7
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    Come on, Johan.
    its only russia and china that oppose harsher messures against Iran. If netanyahu has some solid proof not even russia could continue to pretend Iran is peacefull right?
    Im sure russia dont want a nuclear Iran anymore than Israel. Its not like Russia is buddy buddy with extremists. Who knows when Iran officialy will start to back chechenya?

    Putin aint stupid, he will only back Iran aslong as he think russia will profit from it somehow.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcpeepants
    just the usual fear mongering. Netanyahu knows it's not under theat from Iran (particular because it nuclear deterant and it's alliance with the US)and using it to advance his political goals. Again if Iran is as anti-jew as he says it is, there wouldn't be any jews left in Iran.

    I thought there was a thread where he wants to require they wear a star

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by humungus88
    Netnyahoo!! is a complete nut, and so are you!! . Holohoax Holohoax Holohoax!!! ???

    You chose to deny the physical evidence of history, and the dignity of six million murdered innocents, just so you can justify your hatred of an entire race, and Im the nut?


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I thought there was a thread where he wants to require they wear a star
    that was ruled as a fake and the canadian website the posted it removed it from its website in a matter of hours. also a jewish mp in Iran said it wasn't true.

  11. #11
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    west of the rockies

    Hey Adolf..

    Quote Originally Posted by humungus88
    Netnyahoo!! is a complete nut, and so are you!! You have no idea how crazy this man is. Holohoax Holohoax Holohoax!!! More dead Jews!! To bad we couldn't find the ashes from the first 6,000,000. But we do know that Trotsky and the Bolsheviks murdered 25,000,000 Russians.......So maybe were even????
    Are your delusions and disconnect from reality stem from a congential disease, or substance abuse?? You should look into that...delusions can lead to danger...

  12. #12
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mcpeepants
    that was ruled as a fake and the canadian website the posted it removed it from its website in a matter of hours. also a jewish mp in Iran said it wasn't true.
    Correct, it says on that it was a false rumor.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Bandit County
    How can we compare Iranian to German

    it is like comparing a 1971 Yugo, to a Bugatti Veyron

  14. #14
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    How can we compare Iranian to German

    it is like comparing a 1971 Yugo, to a Bugatti Veyron
    +1 here.

  15. #15
    Actually Netanyahu is a far to the right zionist extremist who openly promotes transfer by any means, the same as Avigdor Lieberman, who promotes dominating violence even against defenseless civilians, "from the river to the sea," "eretz yisroel."

    As far as the holocaust, it certainly did happen but it was just over 5 million and not 6 million and many more non-jews died in the camps than Jews did -- why do no Jews, or Israel speak for the over 6 million goyim who perished in the same manner and ovens?

    As far as Mahmoud Ahmadinejab is concerned it has been proven that he has frequently been misquoted out of context in translation, not to say he doesn't say some extreme things, but he never said Israel should be wiped off the map -- the translation said that if it wasn't for the Balfour Declaration and the British, Israel wouldn't exist today.

    And there is a very large and thriving jewish population all over Iran with many open and unrestricted synagogues. All of these jews have refused aliyah and choose to stay where they are.

  16. #16
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    How can we compare Iranian to German

    it is like comparing a 1971 Yugo, to a Bugatti Veyron

  17. #17
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    As far as the holocaust, it certainly did happen but it was just over 5 million and not 6 million and many more non-jews died in the camps than Jews did -- why do no Jews, or Israel speak for the over 6 million goyim who perished in the same manner and ovens?


    On-Topic, I do not trust Iran a bit. While I don't know if they are planning a race-specific genocide, I do believe they are "up to something"

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God

    On-Topic, I do not trust Iran a bit. While I don't know if they are planning a race-specific genocide, I do believe they are "up to something"

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad certainly causes a lot of problems for his country and doesn't serve the interests and stability of the region well at all by his reckless and non-constructive comments. Whether or not he is up to something is something only time will tell.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Whether or not he is up to something is something only time will tell.
    So when he drops a Nuke, will you sit back and say "well I guess he really was up to something"

    Never again.......

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    So when he drops a Nuke, will you sit back and say "well I guess he really was up to something"

    Never again.......
    Never again doesn't have a thing to do with any of this. What makes anyone think Israel has an exclusive right to nuclear armament?

  21. #21
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    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Never again doesn't have a thing to do with any of this. What makes anyone think Israel has an exclusive right to nuclear armament?

    There is a big deference between military deterrent, and planned extinction of an entire race.

    Israel isnt threatening to destroy, or erase, any other people or nation from the earth. Iran is, and I belive with every inch of my being that the megalomaniac Ahmenajad is willing to sacrifice every last Persian to do it.

    So yes, the credo of Never again is very appropriate..
    Last edited by singern; 11-20-2006 at 11:51 AM.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    There is a big deference between military deterrent, and planned extinction of an entire race.

    Israel isnt threatening to destroy, or erase, any other people or nation from the earth. Iran is, and I belive with every inch of my being that the megalomaniac Ahmenajad is willing to sacrifice every last Persian to do it.

    So yes, the credo of Never again is very appropriate..

    Singern you're correct about Ahmadinejad being a problem. And I will never challenge the reasons, or motives, behind what you feel are your principles. What I will challenge from anyone is that there has been a balanced approach by the US in regards to Israel's obligations in the ME and especially on the issue of the Palestinians.

    Israel cannot keep expecting the US through its soldiers to fight on their behalf -- that is PART of what is going on now in Ira_ (the letter/key to the left of the 'w' on my keyboard went out so can't spell the entire word) and PART of the rhetoric in regards to Iran. If Israel is concerned for the entire international community that is one thing, but not applying 'Never Again', as that serves only the best interests of Israel without concern for the entire world. If Israel chooses to hold the 'Never Again' mentality then let the Mossad carry out a targeted assassination. And Olmert did say that the US in Ira_ does serve their interests very well and is opposed to a US pullout for those exact reasons and Ayalon has just said that the US must exercise the military option in Iran because it would serve Israels' interests very well. Let Israel fight its own fights.

  23. #23
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    There is a major difference in responsibility and ideology between Israel and Iran. While I am far from thinking Israel are do-gooders, I do believe that they have the intelligence, logic, foresight and morality to NOT use nuclear weapons. Iran, not so much.

    As pointed out above...Unfortunately, waiting until they drop a bomb or something until we stop them isn't the smartest thing to do.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Singern you're correct about Ahmadinejad being a problem. And I will never challenge the reasons, or motives, behind what you feel are your principles. What I will challenge from anyone is that there has been a balanced approach by the US in regards to Israel's obligations in the ME and especially on the issue of the Palestinians.

    Israel cannot keep expecting the US through its soldiers to fight on their behalf -- that is PART of what is going on now in Ira_ (the letter/key to the left of the 'w' on my keyboard went out so can't spell the entire word) and PART of the rhetoric in regards to Iran. If Israel is concerned for the entire international community that is one thing, but not applying 'Never Again', as that serves only the best interests of Israel without concern for the entire world. If Israel chooses to hold the 'Never Again' mentality then let the Mossad carry out a targeted assassination. And Olmert did say that the US in Ira_ does serve their interests very well and is opposed to a US pullout for those exact reasons and Ayalon has just said that the US must exercise the military option in Iran because it would serve Israels' interests very well. Let Israel fight its own fights.

    Telling Israel to take on Iran all by itself is like telling Poland to take care of Germany in 1939. Why should a global threat be handled by a country smaller than Rhode Island?

    The world came together to save Kuwait from Sadam Husain.
    The world came together to take out the Taliban.
    The world came together to save a several continent's from Hitler.
    The world can also come together to save itself from the very real danger of Ahmenajad.
    Last edited by singern; 11-20-2006 at 12:34 PM.

  25. #25
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Telling Israel to take on Iran all by itself is like telling Poland to take care of Germany in 1939. Why should a global threat be handled by a country smaller than Rhode Island?

    The world came together to save Kuwait from Sadam Husain.
    The world came together to take out the Taliban.
    The world came together to save a several continent's from Hitler.
    The world can also come together to save itself from the very real danger of Ahmenajad.
    Its hard to consider a country a threat when there is no evidence the country posess anything remotly dangerous and when the ranting man is acctualy a puppet and not leader of the nation.

    You have to ask the question why most europeans consider bush a bigger threat to world peace than Ahemenajad.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Its hard to consider a country a threat when there is no evidence the country posess anything remotly dangerous and when the ranting man is acctualy a puppet and not leader of the nation.

    You have to ask the question why most europeans consider bush a bigger threat to world peace than Ahemenajad.

    But that is the point exactly, should the world sit by and masturbate while Ahmenajad builds his bomb.

    We are supposed to learn from our mistakes, yet it seems the lessons of Hitler, Sadam Husain, Nasrala, and all the other butchers throughout history are just words in a book when it comes to acting in defense of humanity.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    But that is the point exactly, should the world sit by and masturbate while Ahmenajad builds his bomb.

    We are supposed to learn from our mistakes, yet it seems the lessons of Hitler, Sadam Husain, Nasrala, and all the other butchers throughout history are just words in a book when it comes to acting in defense of humanity.
    But Singern, you made the point that media accounts are slanted and they are. Goes with the territory and who wants their point to prevail. How do we know what we are being told about Ahmadinejad is true, based on the dysfunctional comments he has made on nuclear weapons and other issues? I'm not suggesting we take him lightly, but to jump right out of gate hell-bent on military intervention as a first and only option is not the only option available to the international community. Remember that the same people who are using the media to paint Iran as Darth Vader and the military option is the only way to go because Iran is on the imminent threshhold of developing nuclear weapons are the same ones who told us Hussein had WMD's and were close to having nuclear weapons and look how that disinformation campaign turned out. Saddam Hussein was a tyrant and he spewed irrational garbage just as Ahmadinejad does, but we need to measure our response. The biggest problem we have as an international community is that we don't have a valid instrument for cohesively dealing with these grave issues, only a tepid, timid and dysfunctionbal UN -- and the UN just reflects the concensus of the political leaders of member countries -- the ostrich approach, stick your head in the sand. But militarily attacking Iran as a preferred method of engagement isn't the way to get what we want, it has to be a last resort based on irretractable intransigence. We cannot believe what we are being fed and American and Israeli politicians cannot be trusted and neither can the UN.

  28. #28
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    Bandit County
    The Iranian president and Chavez like to talk hard and do pressures and threat
    so the ****ing price of OIL GOES UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    dont forget Iran is a leadway to transport oil in the middle east and also a producer, so by doing his bully pseudo tought guy, it scares some investors and bring the price up, who capitalizing on it? Iran

    my ass he's a fanatical, a war mongol, he's play a role and the western world is paying for it with their wallet at the pump

    wake up

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    But Singern, you made the point that media accounts are slanted and they are. Goes with the territory and who wants their point to prevail. How do we know what we are being told about Ahmadinejad is true, based on the dysfunctional comments he has made on nuclear weapons and other issues? I'm not suggesting we take him lightly, but to jump right out of gate hell-bent on military intervention as a first and only option is not the only option available to the international community. Remember that the same people who are using the media to paint Iran as Darth Vader and the military option is the only way to go because Iran is on the imminent threshhold of developing nuclear weapons are the same ones who told us Hussein had WMD's and were close to having nuclear weapons and look how that disinformation campaign turned out. Saddam Hussein was a tyrant and he spewed irrational garbage just as Ahmadinejad does, but we need to measure our response. The biggest problem we have as an international community is that we don't have a valid instrument for cohesively dealing with these grave issues, only a tepid, timid and dysfunctionbal UN -- and the UN just reflects the concensus of the political leaders of member countries -- the ostrich approach, stick your head in the sand. But militarily attacking Iran as a preferred method of engagement isn't the way to get what we want, it has to be a last resort based on irretractable intransigence. We cannot believe what we are being fed and American and Israeli politicians cannot be trusted and neither can the UN.

    Well lets start with the facts we do know.
    He is a major supporter, and financier of terror groups like Hezbolah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and numerous groups being trained and sent to Iraq.....

    He has stated with his own words in numerous speeches that Israel needs to be destroyed

    He has stated in with his own words in many speeches that Israel will soon be eliminated.

    He is at this moment working against the international community to develop Nuke technology.

    He has repeatedly called the deaths of millions of innocent people a fake, only because they were Jews.

    These are not media distortions, or mistranslations. These are facts either spoken by him or actions orchestrated by him. There is no doubt he is a raving lunatic, bent on a perverted religious quest for greatnes

  30. #30
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    But that is the point exactly, should the world sit by and masturbate while Ahmenajad builds his bomb.
    No but the world should not do anything until there is evidence of a bomb project. Amhenajad isnt the one deciding if there should be a bomb project or not. I dont worry about Amhenajad, I worry about the ayatholla. Unless ahmenajad plans to wrestle the power from the ayatholla I dont care much about what he say.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    Iran has an enormous jewish population and its almost unheard of for there to be anti-semitic attacks in Iran

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Iran has an enormous jewish population and its almost unheard of for there to be anti-semitic attacks in Iran
    How would you know this, there are no official reports of any kind coming out of Iran, and only government sponsored and censored news is allowed. Sounds like your either guessing, or just voicing your loyalties.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    ... or just voicing your loyalties.
    What do you mean by that?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Honestly I think Netanyahu should not make claims like that...

    In the end all he is doing is trivializing the holocaust which was one of the biggest displays of mans inhumanity in history. This does nothing to help. It really detracts people from taking the situation seriously.

    He's comparing a horribly efficient state planned extermination of jewish people, most not able to defend themselves, many even refusing to believe in the extermination with a bunch of dick waving, posturing crackpots in Iran who can do some damage, but in the end will be squashed like a bug by Israel (who can defend itself quite well thank you...)

    I think in the end such article does more harm than good.

    Just my 2 cents...


  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    What do you mean by that?
    Well, you are making a statement that could only be made by:
    A Jew who is physically in Iran (in which case the "supreme leader" makes it illegal and imposable to access this web site)

    Or you have an agenda of defending Iranian political policies (which is completely within your right to do so)

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