Where do you bigots come up with these crappy theories. Affirmative action doesn't give scholarships to fat black kids with D- averages. Why does the kid have to be fat, anyway? But I digress. The purporse of affirmative action is give the minority (black, latino, asian, etc.) a scholarship, aide, or admission when grades and scholastic performance is equal to those of whites. By this I mean if a white student has a B average and a Mexican student has the same, chances are the Mexican would get the nod. Is it right, maybe, maybe not. Affirmative action programs were put into place because whites had a tendency to not accept minorities simply because they were minorities without even considering acedemic acheivement. So you have no one to blame but yourselves for affirmative action. I agree with what someone said earlier, make it free for everyone and all this would end.
Academic standards are relaxed by universities not to give minorities a leg up, but simply so the universities could get more federal dollars for having higher minority enrollment. Plus the educational standards in lower income areas around the country are much lower than those of higher income areas. Why, because students in these areas (inner cities, rural areas, reservations, etc.) have to deal with a lot more (particularly surviving) than those in middle-income, upper-income areas. So before you spout off ignorant (misinformed, uninformed) racist, rhetoric, please do some research.
Lastly, if you crunch the numbers, minority acceptance into major universities doesn't 'take away' from a 'deserving' white kid. When I went to college (91-95), I went to a major D1 college and less than 3% of the student population was Black. And 99% of those blacks were on athletic scholarship (myself included). And that's what major programs across the country are like. So I guess it's ok to throw 70 coons a bone every now and then in exchange for millions of dollars of revenue they produce for the universities. As long as they don't ask for anything else in return. It's all about money, not race!!!
Like Chris Rock says, "Why are white people complaining about affirmative action? What do y'all have to complain about... YOU'RE WHITE!!!" And you still get preferential treatment in most cases!