BRITISH AIRWAYS backs down over cross ban after storm of criticism...
British Airways backed down over its ban on workers wearing the cross after a hurricane of criticism.
Airline chief Willie Walsh ordered a rethink of the rule that barred check-in worker Nadia Eweida from wearing a tiny cross at work.
The airline had faced four days of angry condemnation from an overwhelming alliance of Cabinet ministers, 100 MPs, 20 Church of England bishops and, finally, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Dr Rowan Williams called its stance 'deeply offensive' and threatened to sell the Church of England's £6.6million holding of BA shares.
Just five hours later, the airline capitulated. Chief executive Mr Walsh, the driving force behind BA's determination to stop Miss Eweida wearing the cross, said it will look at ways its rules could be adapted 'to allow symbols of faith to be worn openly’.
The airline had insisted the cross was covered by rules which say jewellery must be worn out of sight, beneath a uniform. But Mr Walsh said it was clear the policy had to change.
The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, who had spearheaded the attack on BA, greeted the clim**own with relief. 'Amen,' he said. 'This is excellent news for Nadia, BA and society as a whole.'
BA had come under overwhelming pressure after 55-year-old Miss Eweida – who has been off work without pay for two months – was told on Monday that her appeal against the ban had been rejected.
She said last night: 'If they are going to review the policy and allow Christians their place in the workforce then that is a big relief'.
Miss Eweida, who had vowed to fight on and lodge a second appeal, said she had been 'overwhelmed' by the level of support she had received. 'My feet haven't touched the ground', she said.
Miss Eweida, from Twickenham in South-West London, said she had worn the cross throughout her seven years at BA, and accused the company of religious discrimination.
Critics pointed out that the airline let her Muslim and Sikh colleagues at Heathrow wear religious symbols – headscarves and turbans – on the grounds that it would be impractical to hide them under uniforms.
Dr Sentamu described BA's policy as 'nonsense'. He said the airline's reasoning would appear to allow a 3ft long cross, which could not be hidden, but not one like Miss Eweida's, the size of a 5p piece.
He said last night: 'The national carrier, which carries the crosses of St George, St Andew and St David across the world, reminding them of our country's Christian heritage, has arrived at the right decision.'
'Our prayers and hopes that BA would review its policy have been answered.
'The cross is not just a piece of jewellery but a sign of the love of God. We are grateful to BA for their gracious response.' Another leading Anglican who protested over the ban, Bishop of London Dr Richard Chartres, said: 'It is extremely welcome news.'
Some MPs began a boycott of BA flights. Among those who turned to other means of transport was Environment Minister Ben Bradshaw. Leader of the Commons Jack Straw said the ban was 'quite inexplicable' and Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain called it 'loopy'.
The weight of criticism faced by the airline – and the danger of losing large numbers of passengers to rival carriers – worsened yesterday after the Archbishop of Canterbury finally broke his silence.
Dr Williams, who had come under fire for taking a BA flight to Rome on Tuesday, spoke out as the row began to overshadow his talks with Pope Benedict.
He then raised the stakes further in the dispute by threatening to sell the £6.6million worth of shares that the Church of England holds in BA.
Dr Williams said: 'If BA is really saying or implying that the wearing of a cross in public is a source of offence, then I regard that as deeply offensive and, in a society where religious liberty and the expression of religious commitment is free, I regard it as something really quite serious.'
The Archbishop added: 'If they're saying that it's to do with matters of health and safety, I would question whether that is a sensible kind of regulation, whether in fact there really is a problem here, and I would ask them to look very seriously at this, given the enormous reaction of dismay that's been caused in the Christian community.'
The BA shares are held by the Church of England's financial arm, the Church Commissioners.
Dr Williams said: 'I am consulting with others in the Church of England about our whole attitude to BA, which as you know we have some financial investment in. That is a question that has already been raised for discussion with the Church Commissioners.'
The Archbishop also explained his decision to use BA during the row by saying it would have been too expensive and complicated to change his party's bookings.
The intervention from Dr Williams came as the chorus of protests was joined by Roman Catholic leaders, senior Anglicans abroad, and prominent members of other faiths.
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, leader of Roman Catholics in England and Wales, said in Rome: 'If BA's decision is against Christianity then I am totally against it – if it's a matter of health and safety then they should listen very carefully to what people are saying.
'The cross is not a sign of offence and I know many Christians have been offended by this decision.'
The Vatican also made its displeasure known.
Cardinal Walter Kasper, Pope Benedict's aide in charge of relations with other churches, said: 'I find it very surprising that in a country of such rich traditions and religious freedom such a thing should be considered.
'There must be freedom to express one's religious beliefs. It is a very sad sign.'
BA also came under pressure from the U.S. and Africa. Archbishop Peter Akinola, Anglican leader in Nigeria, said: 'As far as we are concerned the decision to ban the cross by BA has religious undercurrents.
'The trend in your country is to devalue its religious heritage. If BA says no to thecross, we shall start using another airline. I shall do everything I can to urge Christian leaders to boycott BA.'
Muslim spokesmen in Britain also condemned the airline. Inayat Bunglawala of the Muslim Council of Britain said: 'BA should allow this lady to wear her cross. It is simple and unobtrusive.
'This is a country that prides itself on freedom of religion and BA should rethink as a matter of urgency.'
BA chief executive Mr Walsh even came under fire in his native Dublin. Pat Kelly, a worshipper in the church where Mr Walsh was once an altar boy, said: 'It strikes me as a shocking decision.
'He seems to have forgotten where he came from. Why can't he show some tolerance and some common sense?
'A lot of people will be disappointed by this. What is the sense in it?'
Brendan Gold, national officer of the Transport and General Workers Union, said: 'We are pleased BA has decided to review its uniform policy, a move that vindicates our support for Nadia Eweida's case.
'We trust this will bring closure to the issue and that she can return to work as soon as possible.'
Mr Walsh's clim**own statement opened the possibility that BA staff may be allowed to wear lapel badges declaring their religious allegiance.
He said: 'The review will examine ways in which our uniform policy will be adapted to allow symbols of faith to be worn openly while remaining consistent with the British Airways brand and compliant with employment legislation.
'Our staff have suggested that we allow the wearing of religious symbols as small lapel badges. This will be considered as part of the review.'