I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want Christian holidays. He'd be more interested in the way people lived, not so much in the days people observed.
And what propaganda might that be?
I would think that public schools would want to keep generic names for things to avoid controversy over which religion's names got to be put on what holiday. If I was running a public school system full of Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Wiccans, Jews, and Atheists, that's what I'd do, especially if any of them showed signs of being anxious to file lawsuits over religion. Seems to me that would be the prudent, and fair, thing to do. Maybe someone else would be willing to favor one religious group over another, and be willing to spend taxpayer's education $$$ on purely religious lawsuits. But not me. IMHO, that $$$ would be better spent on books, and not lawyers.
But, as always, feel free to disagree. It's Christmas . . .